Lights glaring ahead, a mini-cab made its way through the streets of Camden Town in the early autumn evening. The roads were busier than normal, causing great agitation for at least one of the passengers. Simon, the cab driver, glanced up into his rear-view mirror at the young woman in the back seat. She looked both angry and anxious. Late for a wedding, judging by the dress she was wearing. Her companion, a great bear of man, was quite calm in comparison. Simon reckoned the man was the father of the bride, focused on getting his daughter to the church on time. Or maybe it was a fancy dress that they were heading to? What with his frilly shirt and fedora hat the big man certainly looked like he was in fancy dress.

‘Odd time for a wedding, innit?’ Simon asked in a futile attempt to start a conversation. For his troubles he received an angry glare from the young woman. He shrugged.

The large man mumbled something to the woman, but Simon could not make out what it was. The woman gave a weak smile in response. The man leaned forward, and as his head brushed against the roof of the car the hat fell off. ‘You have to excuse my friend; she’s a bit distraught. She’s only been married for a few hours and her husband has been kidnapped.’

This was a new one on Simon. ‘Oh. So why are we going to Highgate? Is that where he’s been taken to?’ He thought it best to humour his passengers; after all they were the ones paying for this ride.

‘I’m not sure,’ the man replied seriously, turning to retrieve his hat. ‘But it is the only lead we have at this point.’ For a moment he was quiet, then he smiled broadly. ‘I’m the Doctor, by the way, and this is Alf.’

‘Simon. Simon Hart,’ he replied automatically, feeling a little bit like “The Saint”. Now that the introductions were out of the way Simon felt that he could get some sort of conversation going. It was a while to Highgate and Simon so hated sitting in silence. ‘Kidnapped, eh? Can’t say I am too surprised, really. Lot of odd things going on in London at the moment.’

The Doctor sat back, placing the hat on his lap, and shared a quick smile at Alf before returning his attention to Simon. ‘What do you mean?’

‘Not been following the news?’

‘Been out of town a lot recently.’

‘Oh. Well all these homeless kids going missing. Found much later – dead. Some in rubbish bins, others in the Thames. Nasty. Queer thing is the way they died. According to the papers the bodies have been found completely drained of blood. Not sure if I believe them, mind, I reckon it is just some epidemic that’s being kept all quiet. Either way, it has got UNIT interested.’

‘You know of UNIT?’

Simon laughed. ‘Of course. Who doesn’t? Not like they have been able to keep themselves a secret over the last twenty years. Actually I was going to enlist with them back in the ’80s, but unfortunately me knee was giving me a bit of jip.’

‘Doctor?’ It was the first time Simon had heard the woman talk. The Doctor turned to her. ‘Drained of blood? Sounds like something Bradley would be behind.’

‘Yes, quite so.’ The Doctor leaned forward. ‘These homeless kids; from where are they missing?’

‘All over London, mate. Mind you, I reckon a lot of them are coming from the Highgate area, come to think of it. The streets in Highgate are a lot cleaner than they used to be. Course, could just be because of that new cult there.’

The Doctor sat back, his brow creased in thought. Simon shrugged and returned his attention to his driving. The conversation was over for now.

Still somewhat disturbed by the recent news of his loss, Bradley entered his own private study. His mood was not helped along by the fact that a young man was sitting in his chair. The young man looked up is surprise. He had short ginger hair, freckles visible on his youthful face. Bradley closed the door slowly and just glared at the youth.

‘What do you think you are doing in here?’

‘Sorry, Prince Bradley.’

Bradley stepped towards him and smiled as his subject flinched.

‘Well, Daniel, just what are you doing in here?’

‘It is time.’ Daniel spoke with a quiet reverence.

Bradley looked at his catamite blankly for a moment, and then realisation dawned. He smiled. ‘Of course, time for the Second Coming of the Lord.’ He walked past Daniel to a wardrobe that stood behind his desk, and opened the wooden door. Hanging inside the wardrobe were some of the most elaborate ceremonial robes even seen. Bradley turned back to Daniel, removing his black shirt as he did so. ‘Come, Daniel, let us get ready to receive the Lord.’

Following Bradley’s lead, Daniel too began to get undressed.

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