Chapter Three written by Andie J. P. Frankham

The humans were encircled by the Kuang-Shi. Herded together like sheep. The Doctor pushed his way to the outer edge and turned back to the humans. ‘Are you going to die like cowards, or fight?’

He did not particularly like violence, but when it came to creatures like the Kuang-Shi he knew there were very few other alternatives. Especially now. The old church was about to be turned into a slaughterhouse. Either the humans would be added to the ranks of the vampires, or more likely, be used as food. The Doctor was reminded of a song lyric he had once heard on another Earth in 2002. We walk amongst you: feeding, raping. In short, a perfect phrase to describe the Kuang-Shi.

The humans looked around. Some with growing anger, others still cowed by the whole experience. The Doctor could just about make out the shape of Alf, who was pushing her way through the small huddle of humans towards the stage. He called out to her. She looked back.

‘I need to find Nick, Doctor. You help this lot!’ she called back, and continued on her way.

The Doctor smiled, quite taken by Alf’s loyalty. He took a deep breath, and was about to try and rouse the humans further when another voice interrupted him.

‘Come on, people! He’s right! Let’s get the hell out of this hole!’

The Doctor looked into the crowd to find the owner of the voice, and his eyes came to light on a tall, dark haired man. He recognised the man, but he was not sure from where. Then it came to him. It was Simon, the cab driver who had brought Alf and him to Highgate. The Doctor grinned; glad he had found another pillar of strength.

At last the humans responded. Like animals fighting for their survival (which, the Doctor reflected, in a way they were) the humans turned violently on the Kuang-Shi and forced their way forward. At first the Kuang-Shi were surprised and were easily driven back under the continued onslaught of the humans, but they soon overcame their shock and turned their unnatural strength against the weaker humans. The Doctor and Simon led the way, the Doctor’s own superior strength being a match for the Kuang-Shi he encountered. He pushed them aside, sometimes by simply making them fall over the side of the pews, at other times it was not so easy. One particular Kuang-Shi launched herself on Simon’s back. Simon struggled to remove the vampire, who had all ready pierced his neck with her teeth, but it took the Doctor’s sheer brute force to pull the creature away.

‘Thanks, Doc,’ Simon said, rubbing the wound on his neck.

‘No problem.’

The Doctor pushed at the doors, but they would not budge. They were locked from the other side. He cursed and looked at Simon hopelessly. Simon turned around.

‘This way! We need to force these doors open!’ he shouted. The Doctor smiled.

Like a tidal wave, the remaining humans rushed over to the doors and joined the Doctor and Simon in pushing. The Kuang-Shi continued to come. The humans at the rear fought back with a rage that was almost primal. Driven by the disgust they felt at witnessing the vampires feed on others of their kin.

The Doctor glanced back and blinked in surprise. Everybody in the worship hall was moving at a fraction of their normal speed, even the Kuang-Shi, with their superior speed, were moving like a flies caught in treacle. The Doctor could feel the pressure on his own body. Time was slowing down around him.

Every single Kuang-Shi in the hall let out a loud cry of pain, and time resumed at its normal pace. The vampires all fell to the ground, knocked over by some unseen force, and the doors gave way, knocking the Kuang-Shi on the other side on to the floor. Without stopping the humans pushed on, trampling the Kuang-Shi underfoot. They carried on through the vestibule and outside into Highgate. The rain had picked up since the Doctor had first entered the church. Once outside he stopped and looked around, watching the remaining humans scatter. He looked back at the door of the church. The door was still open and he could see the Kuang-Shi groping about on the floor. Slowly they began to rise again.

For a few moments the Doctor and the Kuang-Shi glared at each other. Then the vampires turned and retreated into the church, closing the door behind them. Simon looked at the Doctor blankly.

‘Going back to feed on the poor unfortunates not able to escape,’ the Doctor explained, pained by the fact as much as Simon was. Simon wanted to go back inside and help, but the Doctor pulled him back. ‘We can’t. They seriously out number us. I don’t like it, but that’s the way it is.’

‘What about your daughter?’

‘Alf? She left by the back door, deeper into the church. She needs to find Nick, and believe me; she’s driven by a passion stronger than any Kuang-Shi. They wouldn’t want to interfere.’ The Doctor’s brow furrowed. ‘Still, I feel I should be in there.’

‘What can you do?’

The Doctor sighed. ‘Not a lot, right now. Alf will find Nick, don’t doubt that. But something else is going on. I’m not sure what Bradley was doing with that boy on the altar, but I have a nasty feeling. For now I think we need some reinforcements. I hate to call in the military, but what else can we do? The Kuang-Shi won’t be talked down.’

‘To UNIT then?’

‘Yes. You know the way?’ Simon nodded. The Doctor glanced up at the rain, and flicked the dripping brim of his fedora. ‘Good. Let’s get out of this weather and get in touch with this Brigadier Kowlard, shall we?’ As Simon led the way to his cab the Doctor glanced back at the old church. ‘The Cult of Ashgotoroth has seen its last day,’ he said grimly.

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