‘Martial law is one thing, Brigadier, and facing off against the Kuang-Shi is another. But you need to go to the heart of the problem. The power seat of the Kuang-Shi is that old church in Highgate.’

Brigadier Kowlard sat opposite the Doctor, while Simon and Ruby stood by the hotplate watching the two men debate.

‘I understand that, Doctor, but I have my orders too. The Lieutenant General is in charge of this operation and he wants the streets of London cleared. Already we have had a report that the church is emptying.’

‘Yes, because the Kuang-Shi are on a mission to make new followers. There is a bigger power at play here, much bigger than simple vampires, Brigadier.’ The Doctor looked down at his coffee. ‘And we need to rescue Nick and Alf,’ he muttered. He had hoped that Alf would have returned with Nick by now, but there was no sign of either of them. The Doctor could not help but fear the worst.

Kowlard sighed. ‘Look, Doctor, I’ll have a word with the Brigadier-General. That’s the best I can do.’

The Doctor reached out a hand and placed it on Kowlard’s. ‘Thank you. I hope it is enough.’

Brigadier Kowlard nodded, got up, and left the canteen. The Doctor looked over at Simon and Ruby. ‘Right then, either Lethbridge-Stewart helps or he doesn’t.’ He stood and fixed them with a determined look. ‘Whatever happens I am going back to Highgate to find Nick and Alf.’

‘I don’t think Bobby will be allowed to let you leave HQ, Doctor,’ Ruby said.

‘He won’t have a choice. I am not bound by the laws of this world.’

Simon smiled. ‘I’m coming with you, then, Doctor.’

The Doctor smiled. ‘Thank you, Simon, but I cannot ask you to risk your life. I left them there, they’re my responsibility. Time for me to take care of the consequences on my own.’

‘Ah, but you need transport. I have a car.’

The Doctor was about to acknowledge the logic of Simon’s response when someone entered the canteen. All three of them turned to look. Standing in the doorway was Alf. Her wedding dress was ruined; dirty and wet. Her hair was a mess. She looked from Ruby to Simon, until her eyes finally came to rest on the Doctor.

‘Alf!’ the Doctor exclaimed, delighted. He stepped towards her, and then noticed someone was missing. ‘Where’s Nick?’ he asked, his hearts beating faster than usual.

Whatever he had expected, the Doctor was surprised by Alf’s response. She walked straight over to him and slapped him across the face. The Doctor staggered back, stung.

‘It’s your fault!’ Alf screamed, and promptly collapsed on to the floor.

Alf opened her eyes slowly and looked around, confused to be waking up in an unknown environment. She was sitting in a chair, and two people were nearby. One, a tall man with short black hair, she recognised, although she was not too sure from where. The other she knew only too well. The Doctor was kneeling beside her, a look of concern on his face.

‘Alf? What’s happened?’ he asked softly.


‘Erm… when you came in you slapped me and said it was my fault. What is my fault, Alf? Where’s Nick?’

The Doctor’s gentle prodding brought it all back. Finding Bradley in that room, the body of the dead boy, the bloody implants. The monster in Nick’s body. Alf’s lower lip began to tremble. The Doctor reached out a hand and took hold of Alf’s.

‘What is it?’

‘He’s dead. Doctor, Nick’s dead.’ She sniffed, trying to hold back the tears.

The Doctor’s face went ashen, and his grip slackened. ‘What?’ he said in a whisper.

Alf wiped her eyes. ‘He’s been killed by the Kuang-Shi. He is a Kuang-Shi.’

The Doctor said nothing further. He simply rose to his feet, turned away and walked over to the TARDIS. Alf and Simon watched him as he pushed open the door and entered the police box. Alf’s brows knitted together and she looked at Simon like a helpless child.

Simon swallowed hard, not knowing what to do. He had never known had to deal with bad news properly.

‘This is what you need, darling,’ said Ruby as she came out of the kitchen. She bobbled over to Alf and handed the younger woman a steaming cup of black coffee. Alf looked at it and gave Ruby a weak smile. ‘Good to calm the nerves.’ She looked around. ‘Now then, where’s the Doctor rushed off to?’

Simon pointed at the blue box sitting in the corner of the canteen. ‘In there.’ He scratched the top of his head. ‘Not sure why he want to go into a phone box, though.’

Ruby clapped her hands. ‘Oh, great! I’ve always wanted to go inside the TARDIS.’

Bradley looked out of the window of his study. Through the glass he could see the last of the Kuang-Shi leave the church. His Kuang-Shi! Created through his actions.

The door opened and Bradley slowly turned around. Standing in the doorway was Nicholaus.

‘Sent them out then?’

Nicholaus bowed his head, and Bradley felt himself squirm inside at the melodrama that Nicholaus used with every movement. ‘Yes, I have. And soon Ashgotoroth will rise again. Once I have found a new temporary vessel. Can you suggest anyone?’

Bradley eyed Nicholaus. ‘What do you think you are doing?’

Nicholaus moved across the room and placed himself on the table. ‘What do you mean?’

‘I created you.’

‘Quite the contrary, Bradley. I was not created by some fourth generation Kuang-Shi,’ Nicholaus said and spread his arms out wide, ‘I was created by Ashgotoroth himself! The Creator. Our God!’ He lowered his arms and smiled. ‘Not by you.’

‘If it was not for me then you would not be here!’

‘Calm now, Bradley. Ashgotoroth always wanted me to be his Emissary. That is why he allowed you to find Nick. He needed the body of a Millennium People for his Emissary. Why are you getting yourself so worked up?’

‘Why?’ Bradley shouted. He flew across the room, and grabbed Nicholaus by the throat. ‘I am the Prince of the Kuang-Shi on this planet. I rule them, not you! How dare you come along and take over! I am the Prince!’

Nicholaus stood up, unfazed by the amount of strength Bradley was putting into his grip. ‘Not any more. I am the one true Emissary. Created by the one true God! You are nothing!’ Nicholaus pushed Bradley with barely a hint of strength and Bradley flew across the room, smashing though the door into the corridor beyond. Nicholaus walked over to where Bradley lay and stood astride him. ‘Remember that, Bradley, I am the power here. You would do well to obey me.’

Bradley lay there for a while after Nicholaus had left. Inside the rage continued to boil.

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