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Names For The Crew and Why They Were Chosen

Just because I love to hear myself pontificate on absolutely nothing, and simply because I can, I've devoted this entire section to explaining why I have given the first names you find in my stories to the background characters of Earth 2. We never got to see much of them on a regular basis during the run of the series, so I like to use them as often as possible in the stories.

Magus, L.- I named her Lauren after my younger sister whose fascination with a Devon and Danziger romance inspired me to write E2 fanfiction in the first place.

Denner - Diane Donner is a member of my team in mixed league softball. Denner, Donner - close enough for me.

Mazatl - has been named Chris after my cousin, Chris, who also is tall, thin and wears his long black hair either tied back or braided depending on his mood.

Walman - I've chosen to call Matt after a teammate on the soccer team on which I play. Walden, Walman. . .sounds similar.

Cameron - My neighbor to the west bears a remarkable resemblance to the actor in this role, therefore I've named the character Tim.

Baines - is named Jake after a friend from work who is an amateur pilot and has never given up on trying to talk me into playing Paintball with him on weekends. He would be just as much at home standing watch with a mag pro in his hands as he would be flying in the sky. Just like Baines.

Of course, the pretty Edenite in the background, Eben Sinh's name was revealed in the final episode of this series. When she died!!! All I had to do was find a way to let her live again. With the help of a friend and fellow fan I was able to accomplish that.

In the picture below:
WALMAN (Walter Norman) BAINES (Rockmond Dunbar) CAMERON (Kirk Trutner) MAGUS (Marcia Magus) EBEN SINH, kneeling (Erin Murphy) MAZATL (Frederick Lopez) DENNER (Danielle Fisher)

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