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The Writing Challenge

From the Yahoo Group "Earth 2 Fanfiction:"

--- In Earth2-Fanfiction@y..., SGMIII@a... wrote:
Here's another 5 minute story challenge for you! I'm going to give you 3 words. Look at them only when you have 5 minutes or so to sit and write. Here are the rules:
1. Any one of the 3 words must be the very first word in the story. Don't preface it with 'the, a, and' or any other word.
2. The other 2 words need to appear in the first paragraph in some form--you can add or change the endings of each word EXCEPT THE FIRST ONE YOU USE.
3. Write for 5 minutes (longer if you feel like it) without editing yourself. That means write as fast as you can anything related to Earth2 that comes into your head. Fix the spelling, grammar, etc., after you finish.

This is really a simple exercise since you write whatever comes into your head and don't have to figure anything out ahead of time. It's a great one to bust through writer's block. There are no word limits.
Your words are below. Enjoy! ~
Ghosts, scream, adrenaline

Good luck!

And this was Beverly's terrific response:

Ghosts were a fact of life on G889, as the apparitions of Mary's parents in and around the biodome proved to all the members of the EA crew. Those ghosts were nothing compared to the ones who appeared on the dreamplane at night when Alonzo was trying to sleep. Waking to the sounds of screams within his head and the feel of his heart pounding as adrenaline coursed through his boodstream in the mistaken belief the dreams were really happening, was becoming more and more of a nightly occurrence for him. It seemed the farther away the group moved from the valley where two members of the group stayed behind, the more vivid the dreams became. Yet, when he opened his eyes and saw the real world around him, the messages of the dreams faded as quickly as if being turned off by a switch. The dreamplane was trying to tll him something-of that he was certain. The problem now was learning how to interpret what it was saying. Perhaps it was time to tell the others and let them try to help him make semse of it all. He certainly wasn't capable of doing it on his own.


The Yahoo group mentioned above requires membership in Yahoo to join. I've been reading some of the stories posted there, and joining is worth it.

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