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The LATEST NEWS from the Library

The Library List

This is the most up to date list of stories currently available in the library. I'll add more info as time goes on, but for now there will be just a short blurb accompanying each title.

THE DANZIGER STORIES . . . Earth 2. . .
were both written in a round robin type of set up on the message boards of the old Earth 2 club at ICQ. Set at the Edenites' winter camp, the stories have a common beginning (Danziger on watch) from which they widely diverge.

A SNIPPET STORY . . . Earth 2. . .
began as Beverly's start to a Yahoo! fanfiction group's writing challenge and it evolved from there. It is Richard's and my way of bringing Eben Sinh back into the fold after her untimely travesty of a death, in our humble opinions.

ULY'S FATHER . . .Earth 2. . .
evolved from an original idea brought forth by a sometime post-er at the Earth 2 forums. His idea? What if Uly was not a test tube baby, and Danziger knew his father? He came up with the basic plot and I wrote the story. It was also his idea that the name "John" be a recurring part of Devon's life.

INLAND SEA . . .Earth 2. . .
is the latest round robin story being written by Beverly, Richard and me. Set a hop, skip and a jump from New Pacifica, it revolves around Adair and Danziger and their relationship, though we are trying to use all of the characters in significant roles.

I QUIT . . .Earth 2. .
begins a few weeks after leaving the biodome, at the end of "Flower Child", and a few weeks before "All About Eve." AAE has no definite time period expressed in the storyline (as the other episodes of the series do,) except for a statement by Dr. Heller about how long ago the illness started, so "I Quit" gives them several weeks of peaceful (!) travel before getting sick and finding the Bennett/Anson ship.

is a look at what the other guys were doing while the main characters were moving the storyline along. The story was written for some BBoard friends who wondered about the activities of the background characters.

A TIME TO REND. . .Earth 2. . .
is one of a series of short stories I wrote several years ago in which Danziger, my younger sister's favorite character, ends up with "anyone but Devon." All of my sisters are diehard D&D shippers, firmly convinced they ride off into the sunset together. I wasn't about to let that happen. This is the Danziger/Julia story.

NO GUARANTEES. . .Earth 2. . .
is another in the "anyone but Devon series" of stories. This one features Bess and Danziger. Yes, I said Bess.

This might be how some of the minor characters decided there were some things they could do on their own for the good of the group.

9 WEEKS . . .Earth 2 . . .
What might have happened after the group got back on the road after putting Devon into cold sleep. Another work in progress.

THE HITCHHIKER. . .Family. . .
is about one of my late uncle's many experiences when he was a young man.

THE DEVIL MAN . . .Family (scroll down the page). . .
is an urban legend my late uncle once told to scare the devil out of his cousins.

MOSES' ANGEL . . .Family (scroll down the page). . .
was my favorite bedtime story when I was a kid. It was just scary enough to make me wonder, and just scary enough to be fun to hear over and over.

PATH TO TRUTH . . .Star Wars. . .
is a story about uncovering Mara Jade's past, and set after Vision of the Future. I'm a Luke and a Mara fan and I don't care who knows it. Two more chapters have been added.

IAN . . .Star Trek . . .
was, of course, The Child Deanna Troi gave birth to, loved, and lost in season two of ST-TNG. I always wondered what happened to the being after experiencing life as a human.
The beginning of the story ...

Something that happened to my cousin that he can't explain nor understand. The Blair With movie came out two years after this happened and since it happened in a wooded area in the middle of nowhere near a small river, we started calling it his etc.

DOWNING. . . Star Trek . .
Downing is a story I wrote for my sisters, one in particular, after the "Bloodlines" episode of TNG's last season. My younger sister was disappointed when Jason Vigo turned out not to be the son of Picard. Later, when Picard's family on Earth was killed off, making him the last Picard, she was totally ticked! I wrote it to calm her down. The story is now complete. When I left you I was but the learner, now I--- Oh, yeah. Different universe. . .

LIGHT CHASE . . . Family . . .
A story I heard just last week (Christmas 2002 week)and found interesting. It happened to a family that is related to my mother. They were here for a Christmas visit and when the time for stories rolled around, they told this one.

HOMECOMING . . . Star Wars . . .
A "Luke goes home" story I wrote about seven years ago. I updated it by adding a reference to Anakin Skywalker when he was a child. This story had a name change. The awkward working title has been booted. Homecoming is more to the point.

A newly discovered story about my late uncle and how his interest in the original Conan the Barbarian books kept him and one of his cousins from getting beat up or robbed one time long ago.


Read 'Em

A Danziger Story (1)
A Danziger Story (2)
A Snippet Story
Uly's Father
Inland Sea
I Quit
The Hitchhiker, The Devil Man, Moses' Angel (Scroll Down)
Path ToTruth
Getting Down To Business
My Cousin's Blair Witch Experience (Complete, scroll down)
Light Chase (Scroll Down)
Sometimes Cursing Just Isn't Cursing Anymore (Scroll Down)
A Time to Rend
No Guarantees
No One Said It Was Going To Be Easy
9 Weeks
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