This is the very first MST that TC undertook to the tune of Star Ruby’s “Merry Cybertron Day”. Proceed at you own risk.
This MST is not like others due to the fact that TC just likes the actual mocking, doesn’t care too much for the beginning/ending garbage. Also, she’s dragging the poor Insecticons into this and torturing them something awful. And awaaaaaaaaaaayy we go!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“Merry Cybertron Day” copyright by Star Ruby/Rodania/Slasher Red --whoever the fuck she is.
The Insecticons are the copyright of Hasbro…yada yada yada.
Mystery Science Theater 3000 is copyrighted by Best Brains, Inc.
Edited beginning---(Through the doors, all that yada…)
Shrapnel: What the hell are we doing here, here?
Bombshell: We were sent by Megatron for some dumb mission.
Kickback: I’m hungry.
Bombshell: Me too.
Shrapnel: Me three, three.
Bombshell: Real cute, Shrapnel.
[Shockwave appears on the screen]
Shrapnel: Shockwave! What do YOU want? Want.
Shockwave: I want you stupid bugs to go on a little mission for me.
Shrapnel: What task, task?
Shockwave: You mission, should you choose to accept it, is to read a fanfic written by a fleshie. Read it, and make fun of it.
Bombshell: Oh, knock off the damn Earth detective crap!
Shockwave: Sorry. Got a remote signal from Earth that had 1960’s detective shows on it. Anyway, will you do it?
Kickback: Feed me.
Shockwave: You’ll have plenty to eat during the fic, if you can stomach the fic.
All: HUH?!
Shockwave: The author in question is rather infamous for making the Transformers series into a God-Awful soap opera.
Bombshell: Oh boy.
Shockwave: There’s the bad fanfic sign. GO!
Bombshell: All right, all right. Sheeze.
The Insecticons scramble to their respective seats. Kickback, Bombshell, and Shrapnel in that order.
Shrapnel: I gotta pee! Pee.
Kickback: Tough. You shoulda went before.
Shrapnel: Suit yourself, self.
(trumpet fanfare)
>“Merry Cybertron Day”
Kickback: Huh?
Shrapnel: I didn’t know we had this holiday, day.
Bombshell: And so much like the fleshie Christian holiday. How convenient!
>by Star Ruby
>The Aerial Femme Team decorate their base.
Bombshell: With pictures of Playgirl centerfolds!
Kickback: Theirs aren’t as nice as mine.
Shrapnel: Yours doesn’t even compare to mine, mine.
Bombshell: QUIET! I have the biggest, now shut up!
>I grin because this is the first Merry Cybertron Day we will be spending with our male >counterparts.
Kickback: Isn’t that sweet?
Shrapnel: Yeah, Insecticon blow-up dolls, dolls.
Bombshell: The real deal’s right here, girls! Doesn’t get any better than this!
All: WOOOOOOOOO!! (All hi-five.)
>Megatron stops by our base and is surprised to see Merry Cybertron decorations up. "Star >Ruby, what in Primus are you doing?"
Kickback: Optimus Prime!
Bombshell: That was really bad.
Shrapnel: Alita-1’s gonna kick your ass, ass.
Bombshell: Ooh, lesbo action!
Kickback: Dude, we’re androgynous.
Bombshell: Whatever.
>I grin at Megatron and say, "We are getting ready for Merry Cybertron Day." Megatron >groans
Bombshell: (as Megatron) Aw, yeah, Ruby! Give it to me! FASTER!
Kickback: Implying something?
Shrapnel: Sounds like someone hasn’t been getting any, any.
(Bombshell punches Shrapnel; they start fighting on the floor while Kickback eats a chair.)
>because he forgot that holiday existed.
Shrapnel: Looks like somebody got coal the last time, time. (Eats a chair.)
>Megatron dislikes the holiday because it brings painful memories.
Bombshell: Of last year when we spiked the punch and he woke up sandwiched between Skywarp and Thundercracker.
Kickback: At least we got those photos! Too bad Reflector puked while we were taking them!
>Flash Back:
The Insecticons are smoking weed.
Bombshell: Wow, the colours, the colours!
Kickback: Trippy.
>About 10 million years back before the Cybertronian war began Megatron had a mate >named Pearl.
Bombshell: Janis Joplin?!
Shrapnel: Whatever you say, dumbass, ass.
>Megatron was edgy that Merry Cybertron Eve because Pearl was due to have her first >child.
Kickback: On David Letterman for Stupid Robot Tricks.
Bombshell: Jumping through the hoops!
>The young Decepticon Leader was worried because Pearl had been under a lot of stress >the last few weeks of her pregnancy.
Bombshell explodes.
Kickback: Damn, that’s the second time this week he did that. (eats a chair)
>The female Autobot warrior was exhausted due to the strain her pregnancy was putting her >through.
Shrapnel: Didn’t she just say that, that.
Kickback: Sounds like Déjà vu.
Kickback: Sounds like Déjà vu.
Bombshell: Will you quit that?
>Pearl went into labour on Merry Cybertron Eve. Hook helped Pearl give birth to her first >born. Megatron heard Pearl's tortured screams he had no idea what kind of torture she was >going through.
Shrapnel: She found out she was going to be a part of this fic.
Bombshell: (as Megs) Hmmm, I guess I should have gotten the larger size labia-spreader!
Shrapnel: Disturbing, ing.
>Hook removed the child from Pearl. His heart broke
All: Awww…
Kickback: Since when did we have hearts?
Shrapnel: Two for one specials from the Wizard of Oz, Oz.
Bombshell: Is this what’s called Sensitive New Age Decepticon?
Kickback: Looks like.
Bombshell: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!! (Stands up and fires his weaponry at the screen.)
Shrapnel: Feel better?
Bombshell: Aw, yeah. (Flops back down in the seat.)
>because Megatron's son was born dead.
Shrapnel: How in Primus can we be born dead, or just born?
>Pearl ordered Hook to let her see her child.
Kickback: She wanted to take her son out on a date…OW! (Bombshell smacks him.)
>Hook told Pearl that she suffered a miscarriage.
Bombshell: We’re undergoing a miscarriage of justice by reading this garbage.
>Pearl burst into tears over that news.
Shrapnel: (as Pearl) We’re slated to do 30 of these fics. WAAAAAAAAAAAA!
>Megatron heard his mate's anguished cries. He realised that the news was not good.
Kickback: How perceptive of him.
Bombshell: Not really. I always cry when there’s good news and laugh at bad news.
Shrapnel: Oh yeah? Yeah. We’re going to read ALL of Ruby’s fanfics. Fics.
Bombshell: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! See what I mean?
>Hook left Pearl's room upset because he was not able to save Megatron's son.
Bombshell: 50% off at the nearest Radio Shack!
Shrapnel: Just as much as Jesus saves! Saves.
All: …
Shrapnel: WHAT?!
>Megatron entered the room to comfort Pearl. He knew that she needed him.
Shrapnel: To dispose of the body--OW!
Kickback: Harsh.
>Megatron was sad because he lost his heir on Merry Cybertron Eve.
Shrapnel: Hair? I didn’t even know we have hair.
Bombshell: Not THAT kind of hair, nimrod!
Kickback: Damn, and I just blew all this money on my weave! (preens)
>End of Flashback:
Bombshell: Does that mean the end of our drug buzz?
Shrapnel: BITCH! Bitch. You ruined my stone cold groove.
>Megatron leaves the Aerial Femm
Kickback: Somebody’s spell check wasn’t working here.
>Team base because he does not want Star Ruby to see him in tears.
Shrapnel: PUSSY! Pussy.
Bombshell: Aw, he always cries at the end of “Old Yeller”
>He fly's
Kickback: Again with the spell check.
Bombshell: I’m hungry!
>back to his private chamber to be alone.
Bombshell: With Starscream and a twenty-gallon drum of vegetable oil!
>I saw Megatron leave and wonder why he is so upset.
Shrapnel: She used teeth on the last blow job, job.
Bombshell: She must’ve accidentally circumcised him.
Shrapnel: (in announcer voice) Welcome to Star Ruby’s Circumcisions R Us! Us.
Kickback: Sick.
>The Merry Cybertron Season is suppose to be a happy time for Cybertronians.
Kickback: I’m confused.
Bombshell: Not the first time.
Kickback: Shut up! Where does it say that Primus had a son and it became a religion?
Shrapnel: Must‘ve been in the last fic, fic.
>Soundwave knows that Megatron is upset.
Shrapnel: The mail was late yesterday, day.
Kickback eats a chair.
>The decorated base must be torture for his closest friend.
Kickback: Outside of those nipple clamps he has under his armor.
>Soundwave leaves our base to find his friend.
Bombshell: Come on, Lassie! We have to find Megatron before it’s too late!
Kickback: Too late for what?
Bombshell: Star Ruby will decorate the bathroom in pink!
>Soundwave heads to Megatron's office.
Shrapnel: Just follow the Day-Glo arrows, arrows.
Kickback: Don’t remove them or Skywarp will get lost!
Bombshell: On second thought…
>He cautiously opens the door and peeps in.
Kickback: Peeps?
Bombshell: Skills honed from spying on the girls’ shower at the YWCA.
Soundwave spots Megatron drinking many energon cubes. That is not a good sign because Megatron pulls that stunt every time something is causing him grief.
All the Insecticons chug large amounts of energon.
Bombshell: Make the pain go away!
Shrapnel is wearing a mourning veil.
Shrapnel: I’m in mourning because of this fic!
>Soundwave knows that Megatron is thinking of his heir again.
Shrapnel: No way you could’ve had him, man. I’ve heard of incest, but DAMN! Damn. OW! (Kickback smacks him; Bombshell eats a chair.)
>"Megatron, may I have a word with you?"
Kickback: I wanna give you my “special” present early. Turn around and close your eyes.
Shrapnel: That’s disgusting, disgusting.
Bombshell: Not as half as disgusting as your earlier comment.
>Megatron looks up at Soundwave and glares at him. "What do you want Soundwave? Can >you not see that I am busy.",
Shrapnel: He’s getting busy!
Kickback: (as Starscream) Put it right here, Meggy!
>Megatron snarls. Megatron drinks another energon cube.
Bombshell: At least offer your guest one, you greedy pig! I’m hungry! (Eats a chair.)
>"Commander, drinking energon will not bring your son back.
Shrapnel: It‘s how he was conceived!
>I know that you miss him and Pearl.
Kickback: He did…with every fusion cannon blast.
Shrapnel: That was harsh, harsh.
>I bet Pearl would not approve of what you are doing right now.
All make whipping noises.
>Megatron tries to speak but he breaks down completely.
Bombshell: WEENIE! Decepticons don’t break down!
Breakdown: HEY!
Shrapnel: Where did he come from? From.
Kickback: Remember who we’re dealing with.
Bombshell: GRUMBLE.
>"Soundwave, why did Star Ruby and her troops have to decorate their base?
Kickback: With the help of Starscream and his interior decorator “friend”.
Shrapnel: This whole Starscream bit is really getting old.
Bombshell: Old, but still funny.
>She reawakened painful memories in me.
Shrapnel: The time he received the Optimus Prime Oral Care Station.
Kickback: Not as good as the real thing.
*Bombshell and Shrapnel stare at Kickback*
Kickback: As I was told!
Shrapnel: Riiiiiight.
Bombshell pukes up a chair.
>I really dislike this holiday because it causes me pain."
Shrapnel: Take off those damn nipple clamps! Clamps.
Kickback: This fanfic is causing me pain.
>Soundwave stares at Megatron with pity
All: HUH?!
Kickback: Soundwave pities the fool!
Bombshell: Don‘t start, it‘s already been done.
>in his optics. "Megatron, you have something to be joyful about.
Bombshell: That shipment from for starters.
Shrapnel: (As Soundwave) Santa Claus does not give presents to bad bots, bots. Oh, wait, it’s Megatron! Never mind, mind.
Kickback: (As that guardian angel from “It’s a Wonderful Life”) You see, George, you really had a wonderful life.
Shrapnel: (As George Bailey from IAWL) Merry Christmas, Mr. Potter! Potter.
>You have ten female Decepticons on your team.
Bombshell: Whom he’s all screwing behind Star Ruby’s back.
Shrapnel: Lucky dog, dog.
Kickback: And Star Ruby is screwing everyone else behind Megatron’s back.
Shrapnel: Ooh! I ought to stop by the base sometime, time.
Bombshell: In your dreams. You’d be eating alone with the female Autobots.
Shrapnel fires at Bombshell; Bombshell fires a cerebro shell at Shrapnel but misses. Kickback munches on a chair.
>They went through a lot of trouble to decorate their base.
Kickback: Which is totally clashing with the base’s color scheme at the moment.
>They only wanted to celebrate Merry Cybertron Day with you."
>Megatron sighs at his friend. "Soundwave, I refuse to leave my quarters until the holiday is >over. You can tell the females why I hate this holiday.
Kickback: (as Megatron) Because I keep getting the same damn smoked cheese tray from you assholes every year!
>I refuse to take part in it. Now leave me in peace."
Kickback: With my piece of ass!
All: *GROAN*
(rim shot)
Shrapnel: Where did that come from? From.
>StarScream kisses Razormoon under the mistletoe.
All spit their drinks across the room.
Kickback: You sure it wasn‘t a clone of himself? .
Shrapnel: It’s Skywarp re-painted as Starscream.
Kickback and Bombshell: UUUUUUUUUGH!
> I giggle because my twin brother is a romantic.
Shrapnel: Only with Megatron, tron.
Bombshell: (As Screamer) Oh, Megatron! MWAH! MWHA!
Kickback: (As Megatron) Oh, Starscream!
Bombshell and Kickback make out; Shrapnel vomits.
>He heard me giggle and he just winks at me.
Shrapnel: (as Starscream) You’re next, baby, baby.
Kickback: Yuck.
Bombshell: More incest!
>Soundwave enters the Aerial Femme base. He notices how happy the females are.
Shrapnel: Soundwave just missed the lesbian orgy, orgy.
>He sighs because he does not want to ruin our merry making.
Kickback: Why not? They’re runining our appetites with this junk!
Shrapnel: Whaddya mean? I’m hungry, hungry.
Bombshell: Yeah, I’d much rather see fucking…OW!
>Diamond looks up at her boyfriend puzzled because she senses that something is bothering >him.
Shrapnel: He’s carrying a huge sign that says “SOMETHING IS BOTHERING ME”, me.
Bombshell: Inquire within.
Shrapnel: In his private looooooooooove grotto, grotto.
Kickback: Ugh.
>Razormercury wonders why Soundwave is quiet. She knows that something is bothering >her best friend.
Shrapnel: She read the sign! Sign.
>Soundwave realises that Diamond and Razormercury are onto him.
Bombshell: All right! A threesome! Maybe we’ll see some action yet!
>He quickly leaves the base because he does not want to hurt his friends feelings.
Kickback: (As Soundwave) I’m sorry girls, I’d much rather bonk Megatron.
Bombshell: (As Soundwave) Megatron superior; chicks inferior.
Shrapnel: I guess having those girls around hasn’t changed very many habits, habits.
>I notice Diamond and Razormercury leaving the base. I wonder where my team mates are >going.
Bombshell: Albuquerque!
Shrapnel: Where they don‘t have to be in stroppy fanfics, fics.
Bombshell: Run girls, run! You’ve been spotted!
>I radio my sister. "Diamond, where are you going?
Shrapnel: Pick me up some tampons on your way back, huh? Huh?
Kickback: Tampons?
Shrapnel: Dude, remember who this is.
Kickback: Sorry.
>You have not finished helping me decorate the base."
Bombshell: HA HA! You’re on your own, loser!
Kickback: (as Diamond) I’m going to kill my agent for getting me this gig!
>"Star Ruby, something is bothering my boyfriend.
Bombshell: He’s still wearing that damn sign!
>I think that he needs me."
Shrapnel: (as Soundwave) Cook me some grub, bitch!
>I sigh because Diamond really loves Soundwave.
Kickback: Rumble, Ravage and Laserbeak just doesn’t seem to fill the void for poor Soundwave.
Bombshell: Ick.
>It is hard to believe that she used to date Silverbolt the Aerialbot Leader.
Shrapnel: From the last episode of Star Ruby: As the Stomach Turns! Turns.
>I decide to leave the Aerial Femme base to talk with Megatron.
Kickback: And don’t come back!
> I want to know why he is being antisocial to my team.
Kickback: If I was in this horrid series, I’d be pretty antisocial myself!
Shrapnel: He’s gonna sue Star Ruby for defamation of character, cter.
>I storm into Megatron's office.
Bombshell: Hurricane Ruby!
Kickback: Not quite like its tropical counter, but just as damaging.
>I am amazed to see him absent from his office.
>Soundwave notices me leaving Megatron's office. He knows that I want to see his >commander.
Shrapnel: (as Soundwave) I get to bonk him first, bitch! Bitch.
>I notice Soundwave and grin.
Bombshell: Uh-oh! Diamond, come back! Star Ruby’s hittin’ on your man!
Shrapnel: Catfight! Catfight!
>"Soundwave, where is Megatron? I really need to talk to him."
Bombshell: (as Star Ruby) I’m having that not-so-fresh feeling.
Kickback: She’s gonna try to talk him out of that lawsuit.
>Soundwave leads me to Megatron's private quarters. He is positive that I can talk some >reason to his depressed commander.
Kickback: Too cheap to call a shrink!
Bombshell: More like talking some reason to kill himself.
Kickback: Watch it!
Shrapnel: Not only is Star Ruby an all-powerful chick, she is also Super Shrink!
All: [trumpet fanfare]
Kickback: Bombshell, how can you play trumpet?
Bombshell: Same way as the Constructicons did when Starscream was crowned.
Kickback: O…K.
>I open Megatron's quarters. I notice the many empty energon cubes littered on the floor.
Bombshell: (as SR) Clean up you room, dammit!
Kickback: (as Megs) Yes, dear.
>I hear Megatron sobbing on his recharging bed.
Bombshell: (As Megatron) They cut off my Playboy Channel! WAAAAAAAA!! .
>My heart softens at the sight of Megatron's condition.
Shrapnel: He was just ducky til you walked in!
Bombshell: She has a heart?
Kickback: Remember our Wizard of Oz bit a while back?
Bombshell: AAAH! This fic is starting to mess with my mind!
Bombshell fires a cerebro shell into himself.
Bombshell: Ahhh…much better.
>I spot a picture of a seeker jet on his desk.
Bombshell: It’s Diamond in sexy lingerie!
Shrapnel: Uh-oh! She really wasn’t going to find Soundwave after all! All.
>I wonder who she is.
Kickback: Starscream before the operation.
>I read the Cybertronian letters on the frame.
Bombshell: F…U…C…
Kickback: Aw, isn’t that sweet? She can read.
Shrapnel: Too bad she can’t wri--OW! (Bombshell smacks him.)
>I sigh because Pearl is very pretty.
Bombshell: Of course, not as pretty as Star Ruby is.
Shrapnel: Heaven forbid!
Kickback: *flutters optics*
>She kind of looks like me only she is albino.
>I sit on a chair next to Megatron's bed. I rub his shoulders. He stops sobbing and looks at >me. "Rubykins,
Shrapnel: Oh, Primus almighty, mighty.
Kickback: Rubykins! *SNORT!*
Bombshell: Shrapnelkins!
Shrapnel: Shut up, Bombshellikins!
>why are you here with me?
Kickback: She’s a sucker for punishment.
Bombshell: So are we by reading this!
>You should be enjoying yourself with the other Decepticons.
Shrapnel: (as Soundwave) Star Ruby, you’re missing the big orgy!
Bombshell: Yeah, Starscream brought the whips and Joy Jelly!
> Why are you wasting your time with this old wet blanket?"
Kickback: Why are we wasting our time reading this?
Bombshell: Cuz if we don’t, we won’t get paid.
Kickback: *GRUMBLE*
>I cross my arms and give Megatron a glare.
Kickback: Uh-oh! Now Megatron’s in BIG trouble!
Bombshell: (as Star Ruby) I’m gonna have to give you a spanking!
>"Meggy, why do you hate Merry Cybertron Eve? I refuse to leave until you tell me the whole truth."
Bombshell: (as Star Ruby) I will hold my breath until I pass out!
Kickback: Do it! Do it!
Shrapnel: (As Jack Nicholson) You can’t handle the truth!
Kickback: (As Star Ruby) I saw you with those bitches the other night!
>"Very well Star Ruby, I will tell you the truth.
Bombshell: (As Megatron) I am really a femme in a mech’s body.
Kickback: You sure that’s not Starscream?
Bombshell: Him, too.
>About ten million years ago I bonded with a seeker jet female named Pearl. She looked a lot like you. She had a very harsh first pregnancy.
Shrapnel explodes.
Bombshell: Aw, dammit.
>She gave birth to a son on Merry Cybertron Eve.
Kickback: A Jesus reincarnate? (Bombshell hits him.) OW!
>My son died the same night.
Kickback: OK, not a Jesus reincarnate. They crucified Meggy’s kid the same night…OW!
Bombshell: SHADDAP!
That has really crushed me because I have no heir."
Shrapnel: Gotta love the redundancy, redundancy.
Bombshell: Get some Rogain!
Kickback: That wasn’t funny even the first time.
Bombshell: Feh.
>That news shocks me.
Bombshell: As opposed to the time her vibrator shorted out while she was using it.
>"Oh Meggy, I feel sorry for you. I have no idea what you are going through but it must be >very rough."
Bombshell: Not as half as rough as it is on us.
Shrapnel: Again with the punctuation! Ation.
>I give Megatron a hug.
All: Aww…
Shrapnel: I just LOVE happy endings, endings.
Kickback: You call this a happy ending? Star Ruby still lives!
Shrapnel: Fuck. Fuck.
>Megatron realises that he feels better because he talked to someone he trusts.
Bombshell: Will you knock it off already?
Kickback: Fuck off!
Bombshell and Kickback start fighting, Shrapnel eats a chair.
>we better head back to the party. Your team mates must be worried sick about you."
Shrapnel: They’re sick all right, but not worried sick. Sick.
Bombshell: They’re more worried that Star Ruby will come back.
>I smile at Megatron because he is happy.
Bombshell: Star Ruby must‘ve just been blown up by a nuclear warhead.
>Megatron and I return to the party.
Kickback: (as everyone else) FUCK!
>Every Decepticon is surprised to see their Leader joining in the festivities.
Shrapnel: 9 PM, Pin the tail on the donkey. 9:30 PM, pin the tail on Star Ruby.
Bombshell: 10 PM Starscream is offering everyone his tail.
>Soundwave winks at me because he knew I could talk sense into his leader.
Kickback: If she really talked sense into Megatron he would have left a long time ago!
Shrapnel: Better yet, she would have left a long time ago!
Bombshell eats a chair.
>Megatron gives a toast.
Kickback: With wheat or rye bread? *rim shot*
All: …
Kickback: WHAT?
>"Decepticons, I wish each and everyone of you a Merry Cybertron Day. I also want to >make a toast to Star Ruby, she made me see that Merry Cybertron Eve and Day are happy >times."
Bombshell: And them Megatron fulfills that by putting Star Ruby and the girls in a spaceship and blasts them off towards the sun.
Kickback and Shrapnel: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!
>The Decepticons cheer because Megatron's attitude has changed.
Bombshell: What, he’s now voting Labour?
Kickback: I would’ve thought it was his stance on same-sex marriages.
>Merry Cybertron Day from Star Ruby :)
>The End
Kickback: Finally!
Shockwave walks in.
Shockwave: So how did you enjoy the fic?
Bombshell: Enjoy? Stretching it a bit aren’t you?
Kickback: Not again.
Shockwave: Well, would you like to do this again sometime?
Shockwave: Damn…
Will there be more of these loverly installments? TC’s unsure, thinking about it. Fun, isn’t it?