Take note: The second time TC will refer to herself in first position.
Prologue, Wednesday:
Got in the mood for it by taking the Insecticons and Blinky to my workplace. Insecticons + food day = catastrophe. However, my co-workers took it in good stride; many of them waxed nostalgia with the Secties and cooed over Blinky. My supervisor even let Blinky hug his wrist, that ruled. Unfortunately TC's workplace doesn’t allow photographs to be taken inside. Cocksmokers.
Packed, blah blah blah. Pumped up as shit, blahda yada yada.
Arived in Chicago after 3PM. Being that Wayward and Leta were the only ones I would recognize my urge to go out and meet folks was not all there. Thinking that they were at the Doubletree ( I was at the Holiday Inn next door) I wandered over there to find some familiar faces. Meeting my first familiar faces, Leta and Mike, we chatted for a few minutes while they were waiting for the shuttle for dinner. After they left I waked into the hotel and did see some familiar faces, but not of the Cell kind. #Wiigiiers!
Lithrael was the first one I introduced myself to, appropriately enough. We settled our titantic battle of the Liths on a fun-spirited game of Rock/Paper/Scissors in which I reigned supreme. Finback had just stopped by, introduced myself as well and also to Anthony. (Tonyfitz) After a bit of chat the Wiigii!-ers headed out to dinner, not wanting to impose I went back to the hotel. I finally ran into Evil Killer Poptarts in the lobby with her friend Sarah; apparently their 4-hour drive turned into 8, damn Constructicons. Wayward showed up, she was waiting at the convention hall across the street, as did Alirion a short time later. Swapping stories of the bad trip out there, we all trundled to the room shared by EKP, Wayward, Ali and Sarah. I brought by my "exclusives" for OTFCC, as in my Diarrhea kitbash and a Blinky repaint.
Diarrhea was…very well received. I thought Wayward was going to piss herself, she was laughing so hard. Joined later by Cloudstreaker, TFormerGrl, Paradox and a few others we shared much mirth with how much the dinner sucked followed by a lovely round of Blinky Bowling. That is, Blinky for a ball and EKP’s chibis for pins. Later I was to find out that the dinner gusets were each offered signed pics of Optimus Prime and Megatron done by none other than Peter Cullen and Frank Welker, the ever-reclusive Frank Welker. Shit, I could endure a crappy dinner for Peter Cullen's and Frank Welker's autographs. We chatted and I excused myself early as TC was still not used to being around so many people at one, needed a breather. Sometimes meeting new folks brings me to a state of borderline social phobia.
Missed the MST panel and Hasbro, dammit. However, EKP, Sarah and Cloudstreaker all showed up in conehead costumes. Very cute! I wandered around, bought a buttload of toys, the first ones I got were later named as a re-issue by the Hasbro folks, Piranacon or Piranaking, whatever the fuck his name is going to be. GODAMMIT! Eh, the re-issue colours look hideous, I’ll stick with what I have, thank you. Met a coupla more #wiigii-ers. (Trixter and Robowang) Also saw former Cell Mate Scizordramon, was about to say hi and then saw who she was with; that was going to have to wait. [/cryptic] Went into the art room and saw the coolest thing there: Pink Fucking Devastator and Pink Fucking Blitzwing with a Pink Fucking Seeker. It ruled.
Back in the dealer room, Luna had shown up in her sparkly Terrorsaur costume as did Ali in her vinyl catsuit. Paradox, Cloudstreaker, Tformer Girl and Nuclear Convoy all popped by Wayward’s table. Wayward’s table got a bit of attention for two reasons: One, her art, of course. Two, my Diarrhea kitbash I left there to keep her company. TC was going all squee with the folks stopping to stare and take pictures, much to Wayward‘s chagrin.
Stopping back at the hotel to drop off some loot, I wandered back into the cafeteria to get some grub. Being that there was also a horror movie convention as well as a bunch of kids for a Tai-Kwan-Do event, things were pretty bustling. While queuing for my food I spotted HIM off to the side talking to a bunch of convention-goers for the horror flicks. Mancow. Mancow, Mancow, MANCOW, dammit! The man who makes TC’s morning commute (almost) painless. He was a guest of the horror flick convention and was amicably chatting with folks. Desperately wanting to chat with him but already surrounded by fans, I staked out a corner to watch him while he stood around. The fangrrl-squee in me wanted to go up to him and take a pic but I chickened out. I’m no good at shit like that.
Later on we all carpooled to Gino’s, Nuclear Convoy rode with me. Driving around in a strange town trying to find a place I’ve never been to is very trying for me, the annoyance level quintupled since Nuke wouldn’t shut up. Nothing against him, just not used to having people in my car chatting. Driving in strange city + babbling moron = extremely pissy TC.
By the time we reached the restaurant my mood had disintegrated into utterly foul . Showing up and waiting for the longest time I thought maybe we had taken a wrong turn, which did not help TC’s mood a nada. Luna was there, had been waiting for a while, so we were assured it was the right place, as Onslaught (EKP’s truck) finally puttered its way in. Luna had made us all ornaments of our favourite characters. As guessing, I got Thundercracker. Utterly sweet. The pizza kicked eight forms of ass, unfortunately me mood could not lift even as we were signing T-shirts and playing with colouring books.
After the sojourn back from Gino’s and getting lost on the walkway to the hotel we gathered in the lobby to play some games and watch TF eps on Luna’s portable DVD player. We started to do some script reading for a fic some chick ripped off of Wayward. --games in the lobby and a script reading of Wayward’s Ice Blink some chick ripped off. --piccies of Shytown downtown ---chibi Trypticon
Met Phil Zeman, yet another WiiGii-er, said that a bunch of them were at the Holiday Inn chowing down, went over and met up with Pic, Perc, Susp, Windchaser, Rob and Obs, amongst others. They were all very tired and Anthony (TonyFitz) looked as if he was an extra for Night of the Living Dead, but who gives a shit, can’t sleep during the Con!
Voice Actor panel, consisting of Scott McNeil (BW) Dan Gilvezan (Bumblebee--sorry I didn’t get his autograph for ya, Chryssie!) and Mike McConnohie. (Tracks) Considering I was late (waiting for Wayward to show up in her Terry costume) I did not hear as many retarded questions as there was last year. Scizzy (former Cellmate) asked what their favourite kind of pie was. BWAAAAA! Another fave was the drive-up orders for all the characters. Some folks grumbled about it but being this was only the first time I witnessed it I thought it was cute. Gilvezan said he chatted with Michael Bell and John Stephenson last week and both seemed excited about the idea of reprising their voice-actor roles in the live-action TF movie. Since I adore Michael Bell and John Stephenson voices my beloved Thundercracker, TC’s got only one thing to say: YEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! McConnohie read this rap by “Snoop Tracky Tracks” about how much of us in the fan world ruled. Too bad the guy who did the voice of Raul wasn’t there, that would have made one hell of a panel, the World‘s Worst Fanfics would have written themselves; surprisingly none of the TFWW fellas tried to exchange dialogue with McConnohie a la Tracks and Raul . HOT ROBOT HUMAN SEXENGS!
They all seemed like such nice men, hope to fuck they don’t realize what kind of fucktards comply the TF fandom. I didn’t go to the Hasbro panel but from the accounts of others Glen is not a happy camper, after I found out why I totally understand. Apparently there were some unhappy TransFans (read=spoiled crybaby fucktards) that were so pissed at the way the show was being run they took it upon themselves to threaten Glen’s family. His family, for fuck’s sake. Now TC knows why she stays away from most of the boards. What a bunch of fuckos. People, it’s just a bunch of fucking toys and fucking cartoons with fucking comics. If you are in that much of a state over it, you are a pathetic excuse for a human being and please do us all a favor and kill yourself, I will be more than happy to ship you the gun.
After the convention ended I popped into the shared room and we chatted and played with toys some more. Sarah walked in and said that Scott McNeil was in the lobby of our hotel that very second, to which Ali promptly vamoosed in that direction. Assuming she went to get some fangrrl stanky on McNeil’s hanglow, (at least I did, sorry dear. ;p ) we ordered some food, chatted and played with toys even more so. Sarah admitted her love for Diarrhea to which I almost fainted. (Change her back, EKP!)