TC was unaware that the Reflector toy had 3 totally different robots. At least opposed to the toon where they were all alike. (Remember, all she knows is G1 toon, eh?) Well, she did some digging and found some actual DECENT pics, lovely pics...*gargle*

Special thanks go to the following websites: Reflector in the box The kick-ass pics of the camera (2nd one) and the three bots individually.

Alex Hersonski's photo collection Pertaining to the first pic of the camera and the three together. (courtesy of Prowl34 at For the three bots in vehicle mode.

Ooh, Japanese Reflector. Way coolness. (From L-R: Spectro, Viewfinder, Spyglass)


According to the fellas at, this is Spec's vehicle mode. Interesting. TC thought they just transformed into the camera.


V-mode same as the Specmeister. Oh well...

VIEWFINDER! The only one who actually bears resemblance to the toon Reflector.

TC's Three Stooges...

*sigh* Oh, all right...

Reflector Bio!

Reflector Pics!

Reflector Quotes!

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