Fire In the Sky--At a Glance

OK, TC's gonna try this for a while. Inspired by this chick named Cleolinda who does these hilarious parodies of Movies in 15 Minutes, TC decided to try her hand at some TF eps.

Autobot HQ: SNOW!

Some of the Autobots have a snowball fight.

Jazz: *picks up Spike, packs some snow on him and throws him off into space*

Audience: YES!

Optimus Prime: The Decepticons are up to something.

Prowl: And it took us this long to catch on? Man, we are a kids’ show.

Average 4-year old kid: Fuck that, I’ve caught on to this shit long time ago.

In the Artic:

The Decepticons are drilling.

TF smut-philes: Yeah, we know what they’re drilling!

Rumble and Skywarp stumble upon a Transformer entombed in the ice.

Starscream: What the fuck are you all…*stops and stares at the robot in the ice tomb* OMGWTFBBQ! SKYFIRE!

Screamer fangrrls: SQUEEEE!

The Decepticons try to revive Skyfire.

Starscream: *bumbles about uncharacteristically* Revive him!

Megatron: The hell’s your problem?

Starscream: Skyfire and I were lov--er friends from a long time ago.

TF slashers: Oooh! Someone else besides Megatron?

Megatron: You KNEW him?

Meggers/Screamer slashers: OMG He’s so jealouzz theirloveissoobvious OMG!

The Starscream/Skyfire slash group: *Is officially born*

Screamer fangrrls: See? TOLD you there was a gentle side to Starscream.


Skyfire: Becomes a Decepticon.

Thundercracker: Cool iron on patch.

Audience: Idiotic idea #16000.

Thundercracker: The iron-on patch?

Audience: No, Skyfire becoming a Decepticon.

Skywarp: Damn, we’re not even halfway through the first season.

Megatron: *blasts Skywarp*

Skyfire sees the Autobots and prepares to fire.

Prime: Wait! Like, D3c3p+ic0nz 4r3 b4d, d00d.

Skyfire: Really? *goes back to the Cons, where Spike and Sparkplug are being shoved up Starscream’s ass*

Starscream: Told you they’d fit.

Skywarp: Omega Supreme could fit in that hole.

Soundwave: Dude, we haven’t gotten that far yet.

Skywarp: Whoops.


Skyfire: Starscream, I don’t know about those Autobots, they seem so nice.

Starscream: Who cares? They’re our enemies? *blasts Skyfire*

Starscream’s haters: Told you he was a psycho!

Screamer fangrrls: No! He is capable of love and compassion! Megatron messed with him!

Screamer/Megs slashers: You can say that again!

Skyfire: (to self) I am a scientist, I don‘t destroy shit. I’m a lover, not a fighter.

Michael Jackson: I know how that goes.

Skyfire: AAAAAAAAAAAAAH! *squishes Jacko with a rock*

Some Decepticon: Autobots! Must fight!

They fight. The Decepticons are getting their butts kicked.

Soundwave: Not again!

Skyfire shows up.

Megatron: Yay, the calvary’s here! Skyfire, annihilate these fuckers!

Skyfire: I’m a good guy now! With a new Autobot iron-on patch!

Starscream: TRAITOR!

Screamer’s fan girls: OMG Screamer is so hurting, I must comfort him.

Screamer and Skyfire take to the air. Skyfire crashes into the ice and dies.

Stan Marsh: OMG, they killed Skyfire!

Kyle Whats-it: You bastards!

Kenny: *gets run over by Prowl*

Newly-formed Screamer/Skyfire slashers: OMG SCREAMERZ TRU WUB IS DEAD! WAAAAA!

Optimus Prime: We are gathered here today to celebrate Skyfire’s life, blah blah blah. We shall never forget you, Skyfire--CLIFFJUMPER!

Cliffjumper: *is standing on Skyfire’s grave and is pissing on it*

Cliffjumper: Thought we were done here.

Eric Cartman: Screw you guys, I’m going home. All this Autobot good-guy hippie crap is seriously pissing me off.

Optimus: Now we’re done.


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