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Come on what scares you? Just e-mail me what would happen to you. It can be simple or written out, whichever you prefer. I'll post the responses.

I'll start you off:
In the Chamber of the Ordeal I would have spiders, snakes, not making a difference in the world, and dying.

I would have spiders, a replay of all my embarrassing moments in my life, being helpless, and probably a fear of the chamber opening on my dead body, or not passing the ordeal and wasting 8 years of my life to be humiliated.

I have a fear of HIGH hights and of drowning (I got the worst of Alanna and Kel. Shoot!) And of bad things happening that I can't do anything about. So I guess I'd fall off a really high waterfall and almost drown. Then when I get out, I'd watch my family and friends die with me being helpless.

There would be a lot of fire in the chamber of the Ordeal for me. The worst thing in the world to me is fire and seeing someone burn to death.

I am terrified of ticks. I know it sounds very silly, but I am! In my ordeal I would have ticks crawling all over me. I also think(like kel)I would have to watch all of my family and friends be hurt or killed,or be abused and not be able to stop it.

Lady Knight Laura:
I would have millions of tiny spiders, I can stand the bigs ones, but I can't stand little ones *shivers* I think I also would hate being helpless, especially if I felt I needed to do something, and I'd also be afraid of being ignored and being alone with no friends.

I think what scares me most is spiders. Then seeing all my family & friend being hurt and me not being able to stop that.

Lady Knight Armaria of Wisteria:
I would have snakes on me, be really cold (I HATE THE COLD), and watch my family commite suicide (now that's scary) or be killed other ways.

Wolf lover gurl:
I am afraid of heights, spiders and being helpless. So, I guess in the Chamber I would be on top of a mountain with little spiders all around me, slowly eating me to death and being forced to watch my friends and family being tortured to death.

Thank you all so much for your submissions!! :)

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