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Blackhawk's Defection

After finishing a squad status report, Navy Captain Blackhawk sat at his desk in his stateroom deep in thought. All was quiet on the Delta Squadron command ship, the STRKC Darkstar. As with all Imperial warships, the hours of 22:00 to 04:00 were considered down time except for those on watch. As he sat in relative silence, with only the faint sounds of the ventilation blowers and the far off thrum of the ships drive for company, he considered his next moves.

His leave to go home for 30 days on R&R had been approved by the Wing Commander, Commodore Senn. It had been far too long since he had seen his old home on Dakshee. Of course, after his appointment to the Imperial Academy on Raithal, it was never truly home again. Home was blasting through the vast void of space in a Tie Interceptor.

Once landed he was to meet up with his contact and immediately depart, linking up with the Rebellion. As a matter of security he wasn’t notified of the coordinates of the Rebel Fleet. It would be far too easy for a defection to turn into a sneak attack. Especially when the defector had an entire squadron of dedicated pilots at his disposal. Blackhawk smiled to himself, thinking of the damage a sneak attack would do to the Rebellion. However, he had committed himself to the cause, and the Rebels had seen to it that Blackhawk’s family had disappeared safely into obscurity.

As he pondered the possibilities, the buzzer on his door sounded. “Crud…” he whispered to himself. After a brief moment the desk speaker announced, “It’s Pathogen, Skipper.”
Pushing the button on the intercom, Blackhawk let him in. “What’s up, Bra?”
“Well I just got word from above that you got your R&R approved. Where you off to this time? I hope not back to Pearl City, you know the locals there don’t like service members of any branch.” Pathogen grinned at his friend. They had seen a lot of action together, first in Lambda now in Delta Squad.
“Nah, I’m going home for a bit of a rest. See the parents, visit with a few friends, then I’ll be back to active duty before you know it.” Blackhawk looked across the table at the FL of Chaos flight, this was one guy that he was going to miss. He would miss all of the members of Delta Squadron, but the friendship that these two pilots shared was not only based on a surperior/surbordinate relationship, it was something that was truly heartfelt by both men.
“Well, why don’t I come with you, then? I’ll put a request in to the Squad leader and I’ll go pack. Besides, last time we were there, we left some unfinished business.”
Blackhawk groaned, “Geeze, don’t remind me. Ya know, we’re luck we got out of that bar and back to the base before the local boys caught up with us.”
“Well, if you hadn’t hit that Wookie with one of your damn acorns it would have never gotten that far.” Path grinned. “And yes, you did win the bet, you can piss off a Wookie with an acorn.”
“The money was never an issue, Bra. It was more a matter of principal.”
“Uh-huh…right. So what do you say, you want some company?”
Blackhawk thought for a moment. If he said no right away he would raise Pathogens suspicions. Path would want to know why he wouldn’t be able to go. After all, the fleet was being rotated back to the Kuat shipyards for refit in a couple of weeks. “Ok, get your request in, I’ll see to it that it gets approved. Be ready to go by 10:00 tomorrow. No uniforms, either. This is supposed to be R&R.” Black grinned,”The Empire can do without two of it’s finest for a few days.”


Blackhawk sat at the controls of his personal ship, the CORT Ecureuil Victoire, doing the pre-flight checks and waiting for Pathogen. It was only 09:50 so he had plenty of time to finish. The YT-2000 had come in on auto pilot only a couple of hours before and was escorted into the hangar by members of the Delta Knights flight group. All things considered, the ship was in pretty good shape. He turned in the command chair as he heard footsteps on the ramp. “Bout time you got here, slacker…” Blackhawk stopped abruptly as saw it wasn’t his passanger. It was his former first officer recently returned form an extended Leave of Absence.
“Nice ship, boss.”
“Thanx, Wolfie…what brings you out, I thought you just got back from patrol.”
“Well, I didn’t want to miss seeing you off. I’m no Sith like Lord Vader, but something doesn’t feel right about this trip.”
“Nonsense Silverwolf, I’ve checked and re-checked the ship, everything is in fantastic shape. The weapons are at 100%and all the defenses are in order. I don’t want to place a hex on myself, but I don’t see everything going astray. I’ll be back on active duty before you know it.”
“I dunno, Birdie something just isn’t right. Be careful.”
“Ok, thanx Silverwolf…”as he was going to say more, he heard another footstep on the access ramp. This time it was Pathogen, but he was followed by two members of Chaos Flight. Both were carrying containers of food and drink. “What the…Pathogen, what the heck are you doing? Those supplies are from the officers mess!”
“Ok guys, stow those for the skipper in the galley.” Path smirked at Blackhawk, “So when did we stop being officers in the Imperial Military? We can either take some good meals with us or live on your ships nutra-soy…I’ll go for a bit of “hot” food to go, thank you.”
“*sigh* You have a point. Thanx guys!” Blackhawk hollered down the passage towards the galley. “Now get outta here, or you’re coming with us…you too Silverwolf. Take good care of Knighthawk while I’m away.”
“Will do boss, have a safe trip.” Silverwolf saluted then left the bridge.
If you only knew, Blackhawk thought to himself. “Attention passengers, this is your captain speaking….”He began in a mocking voice…”Please buckle your seat belts and return you stewardess to an upright position before take off.”
He could here the snort form Pathogen in the seat behind him as he keyed the mike, “Darkstar this is CORT Ecureuil Victoire, requesting permission for departure and coordinates for the Dakshee system. Over.”
Blackhawk engaged the repulsors and nudged the stick gently, turning it to the open hanger bay door. As he engaged the throttle he looked around one last time at the place he had called home for the past nine months. So begins a new adventure, he thought to himself. My passenger has no idea at all what he’s gotten himself into just by wanting to come along for the ride.
“CORT Ecureuil Victoire this is Darkstar, permission granted, coordinates are being sent now. Have a good trip, sir.”
Blackhawk saluted the officer of the Deck as he went by the OOD station for the last time.
“Thank you Darkstar, will do. Blackhawk, out.”



Blackhawk sat back and relaxed in the command chair. The jump to light speed was uneventful due to the oversized NavComputer installed in the cockpits rear bulkhead. The ship was operation at top performance. Now would probably be the best time to let Pathogen in on the nature of their trip. I hope he takes this well, Blackhawk thought to himself. He checked the charge on his blaster and set it on stun in case his friend didn’t.
Pathogen had gotten up once they had made the transition to lightspeed and made his way back to the galley. “Heya Bra, you want something to eat?” Path asked with his head inside the chiller.
“Nah…I want to tell you something. I haven’t been 100% honest with you regarding this trip.”
Pathogen stood up and closed the chiller door. “Oh? In what way?”
“Well, I’m only stopping at Dakshee for refueling.” He began. He could feel the weight of the blaster on his hip. “I’m not returning to the Darkstar, Path."
“Oh? You got a transfer, then? Where you off to this time?” Path took a bite of a meat roll. “Mmm…tastes like chicken, you sure you don’t want some?”
“No, thanx. I don’t exactly know how to tell you this, Bra.“ Beads of sweat glistened on Blackhawk’s brow. “We’ve always been honest with each other, right?”
“Ok, and you know I’d never do anything to endanger anyone under my command, correct?”
“Of course.”
“Well, once we get home and refuel, I have to meet some friends. Then I’m off again. Unfortunately, I have no idea where I’m off too.”
“Sounds pretty dangerous. I’ll come with you and keep an eye on your back.”
“I’d like that, but the problem is”, Blackhawk licked his lips, “The’re agents for the Rebellion. I’m joining up with the CRS Deviant battle group.” He waited for Pathogen to say something.
“Ahem…well, this is a surprise.”
“Who else knows about it?”
“To the best of my knowledge, no one. You’re the first one that I’ve told.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“My first contacts with the Rebellion I either ignored or turned them into the local garrison of Stormtroopers…”
“Like any good Imperial officer.” Path grinned.
“Yeah, like any good Imperial officer. This last time it was different. There was no direct contact, but I received a letter from home. My mother explained how while at work she came across a file in the network pertaining to my dad.”
“Where does she work?”
“She works as a security systems analyst for Interworld United Trading Company, Dad is, or was a mid-level Prefect of Commerce on Dakshee. The material losses in his sector had been on the rise due to the Rebellion. He was being investigated and because I was his son…”
“So were you.” Path finished. “Well one thing you can say, the Empire is very thorough when it decides to check out one of it’s subjects.”
“The fact that I was even considered to be investigated rubbed me raw. My service jacket is impeccable, no red marks or reprimands of any sort. My promotions cite my combat skills and dedication to duty.” Blackhawk let the frustration flow away from him, this was a closed matter, no sense getting worked up about it again. “Anyways, whoever investigated me apparently found nothing to report, I stayed on the Darkstar until yesterday.”
“So you’re turning to the Rebellion because you were investigated?”
“No, it’s more than that, you know how much frustration I have had about getting passed over for a wing command.”
“Oh, yes…you’ve told me countless times.” Pathogen finished his meat roll in one gulp.
“And the lack of recognition for my dedication as well.”
“Yep, let me see, ‘it’s amazing that the Admirals of the fleet can pick up awards for flying a desk’ is your quote, correct?"
“Good memory, Path. I am done following a commander that hasn’t seen the inside of a cockpit in a long time. The Rebellion, by it’s own nature, puts the commanders in the battle. No matter what your politics are, you have to admire that.”
“I can see the benefit in that. You’ve always lead by example, Blackhawk. That’s why the guys in the Squad admire you so much.” Pathogen smiled again, “It’s not for your practical jokes or sparkling personality, that’s for sure.”
“Ha, ha…laugh it up.”
“So now I guess you think I should try to stop you and turn you in, eh?”
“I have to admit, Path, I have been expecting it.” Every muscle in Blackhawk’s body tensed.
“Don’t worry, not only will I not do it, but I can’t.”
“I have my reasons as well, not as noble as yours, but I’ll watch your back, Bra.”
“You know what I’m doing will ruin your career as well as my own. Once we dock I can still let you off and disappear. You could go back to Delta Squadron and your flight.”
The ships computer announced, “Transferring from Hyperdrive to real space in five minutes. Prepare for real space piloting.”
“Nothing doing, Skipper. You’re stuck with me.”


Blackhawk sat in the pilot’s chair, looked over the controls and relaxed. That went a lot better than I expected, he thought to himself. Nice to have a friend at your back. “Dropping out of hyperspace now…” he announced.

As the ship resumed realspace travel, the planet and it’s platform came into view. The Imperial network listed the planet as “An Imperially-held planet in the Colonies region, marked by constant unrest towards Imperial rule. Gerald Weizel, Imperial governor of Chandrila, was once the governor of Dakshee, where he resolved the Brella Temior crisis. Weizel discovered that several union heads were ringleaders of the terrorist group Justice Action Network, and ended the situation without bloodshed.” Without bloodshed, yes, but only with a regiment sized garrison of Stromtroopers to keep the peace, Blackhawk thought. As Imperial officers on a scheduled visit, the troopers would be only a minor inconvenience.

“Well Path, last chance to back out…”
“Skipper, with all due respect…shut up and fly this heap. Otherwise I’ll crack you on the noggin and take you to the Rebellion myself.”
Blackhawk laughed, “Ok, you’ve made your point.” He keyed the mike, “Dakshee Station, this is the CORT Ecureuil Victoire, Navy Captain Blackhawk commanding, requesting traffic sit-rep and docking coordinates.”
The radio hissed for a second, then a voice answered, “Ahh…Captain Blackhawk, welcome home. We’ve been expecting you. You made good time. No traffic to report, though there has been a report of pirate activity in the area. Watch your six coming in. You are cleared to dock in bay 5a.”
“Rodger that, Dakshee Station, thank you for your advise, CORT Ecureuil Victoire proceeding to bay 5a. Out.” Blackhawk turned in the command chair, “Path, you want to take the top turret and keep an eye on our tail?” He smiled, “After all that’s what you said you were here for.”
Path grinned back at his friend, “Sure, not a problem.” He said as he got out of the other seat in the cockpit. A couple of short steps later he climbed up the ladder to the top turret. As he sat in the gunners seat and turned the manual controls, he also put his headset on. “Heya skipper, I’m all set to go. Nice systems up here boss”
“Thanx Path, keep a sharp eye.”
“Yeah, yeah I know. I only have one thing to say, I hate it when my words come back to bite me.”
Pathogen could hear Blackhawk’s laughter without the intercom.
Suddenly a warning alarm went off, “Vampire! Track 200/15 2.5km.”
“Boss, what’s this thing trying to say?”
“Relax Path, incoming missiles starboard quarter, 15 degree incidence, 2.5 km out. Lock on and take them out. I’m starting evasive maneuvers. Looks like we found the pirates.”
“Vampire! Track 202/13 1.5km.”
“Ok got ‘em.” Nothing quite like having a sultry feminine voice telling you that you were going to die. The tracking system locked on the missles and displayed them on the turrets HUD. The twin lasers let loose their crimson bolts as Pathogen pressed the firing stud. “Now, where did you come from?” he said as the missiles erupted in small fireballs.
“Vampire! Track 205/10 2.4km.”
“Damn…” Blackhawk muttered as he threw the ship into a wide turn. “Hold on Path, we’re going to return these presents to the sender.” He keyed the radio, and accelerated full speed towards the incoming missles. “Dakshee Station, this is CORT Ecureuil Victoire, we are currently under missile attack from an unknown source. I am moving to intercept. Any chance for back-up?”
“Vampire! Track 001/5 .9km…Track 001/5 1.8km… Multiple hostiles Track 001/6 2.8km”
“CORT Ecureuil Victoire, this is Dakshee Station, we’re scrambling Razor Fighter Squadron Leppard. The will be on station in two minutes.”
“If there’s anything left in two minutes, I’ll be glad for the help. CORT Ecureuil Victoire out.” Blackhawk cursed as he switched the radio transmitter off. “Well Path,” he said into the intercom, “We’re on our own for a few, the station is scrambling it’s Razors.”
“I’ll be glad for the help.” Pathogen kept the turret guns blazing and took out the next incoming set of missiles. “Boss, I got a visual on the hostiles. We’ve got three Planetary Fighters escorting a M-CRV.”
“Vampire! Track 004/3 .7km… Multiple hostiles Track 004/6 1.4km”
“Rodger that,” Blackhawk jinked the YT-2000 up so the missiles passed harmless underneath the hull. “Engage the fighters, I’ll worry about the missiles and the Marauder.” He said as he switched the dorsal turret to full auto. He watched the missiles turn, following their missile lock.
“Vampire! Track 120/3 .9km… Track 200/2 .9km… Multiple hostiles Track 003/6 1.0km”
Blackhawk could see the ships coming straight at him. He switched the shields to double front and let loose with a few Ion lasts from the guns above the cockpit. “Let’s play a game of chicken, boys.” Ion and laser beams raced out toward the incoming fighters.
“Vampire! Track 180/2 1.1km… Multiple hostiles engaged, Track 003/6 .5km”
The CORT rocked as the fighters return volleys were absorbed by the shields. Blackhawk watched as the blue bolts of Ion energy caught one of the fighters amidship as they passed through the incoming fighters. They were close enough where he could see the pilot pulling on the stick trying to avoid a collision with the oncoming freighter. Blackhawk adjusted the controls, the fighter passed harmlessly down the starboard side of the ship. He could here the continued firing of both laser turrets as the other two fighters blazed past.
“Vampire! Track 180/2 .9km… Multiple hostiles engaged, Track 190/8 .6km”
Pathogen was firing constantly; he tracked the two fighters as they raced overhead, throwing bolts of crimson death at both ships as they raced past. One of the fighters erupted in purple lightning as one of the missiles that had been locked onto their ship collided with the fighter. Pathogen laughed, “You sneaky bastard…Nice job Hawk only one more missile and fighter.”
“Vampire! Track 180/-2 .5km… Hostile engaged, Track 190/8 .9km New hostile M-CRV Track 004/8 2.8km”
“Great, a Marauder. You’re not thinking about going after that, are you?”
Blackhawk switched his gun controls off and engaged the missile fire control. “Now Bra, do you really think I’m that nuts?”
Pathogen whipped off two more shots at the incoming fighter catching it straight on the nose. The shields glowed momentarily with the first shot then disappeared completely as the second laser impacted on them. The pilot broke off his pursuit quickly after he figured his life expectancy was running short. A few more quick shots from Pathogen convinced him that he had made the correct choice. The last missile exploded moments later, out of fuel.
“Hostile M-CRV Track 004/8 2.3km”
Pathogen spun the turret to track the closing corvette as Blackhawk launched two volleys of missiles. He had launched them much too fast to get a lock, so the gunners on the Marauder had no clue of the incoming missiles.
“That will get their attention.” He heard Blackhawk say over the intercom as he banked the ship away from the corvette.
“Hostile M-CRV Track 040/10 2.0km Friendly Interceptors Track 266/-2 3.5km”
Blackhawk switched off the combat alarm. “Let’s get to the station, Path.” He said as the Razor Fighters raced by engaging the Corvette. “Looks like the cavalry has arrived. Besides, I think you could use a drink.”


Two X-wings dropped out of hyperspace 200km from Dakshee, lead by LtJg Tenchi, the pilots were on a mission to escort an Imperial defector to the fleet for debriefing. “Silver 2, report.”
“Silver Leader, this is Silver 2, standing by, preliminary scan shows there was some activity a short while ago, but all clear now, Lieutenant.
“Rodger HJKL, lock s-foils into attack position and slow to cruising speed. No sense rushing to pick up this Imp any faster than we have to.”
“Aye, boss.” HJKL throttled the X-wing back and flipped the switch for the s-foils. A squawk from the R2 behind him made him look at the communication screen behind the stick. “Yes Squeeks, I know, playing taxi to Imps isn’t my favorite thing to do either.” The R2 squealed it’s disapproval. “But orders are orders, my friend.” HJKL switched over to his radio, “Who is this big shot supposed to be, anyways?”
Tenchi scowled, it wasn’t a good idea to transmit classified information, even on a short range channel such as this. “I don’t really know. All I know is we are to escort him and his ship to the fleet. Now keep in mind, this is still an Imperial garrisoned world. We are under strict orders form Myn. No firefights.”
“Aye sir. Understood, no firefights.” The two X-wings banked and headed for the planet below.



Pathogen stood by the ship with his arms crossed. Where the heck had Blackhawk gone off to? He had disappeared shortly after landing, but gave Pathogen no instructions other than refuel load up some cargo and wait for him to return. The refueling and loading had gone smoothly. It was amazing how many people wanted to help after they found out the crew of this ship chased off a pirate attack.

He gave the ship a once over inspection form the ground. The YT-2000 was a good looking ship, much cleaner likes that it’s more famous cousin the YT-1300. There were other oblivious advantages as well, it’s speed, maneuverability and weaponry placed it well above it’s more famous cousin. Blackhawk has one nice ship here, he thought to himself. As he finished is inspection, Pathogen boarded the ship and busied himself studying the onboard systems. He had already checked out the remote gunnery programs while on the way in to the station, but that combat alarm was a piece of work. Something about it, though sounded real familiar. As he found the panel for the alarm, it came to him. The whole tracking and reporting system looked as if it was from a M/FRG. The ECM package looked pretty heavy duty too. Sure, there were modifications especially the voice module. Path smiled to himself, if things didn’t work out for the rebellion, they could always start a new lives as smugglers.

Soon, Pathogen heard voices approaching close in the hangar bay. He turned in the seat to look out the cockpit. Sure enough, there was Blackhawk walking toward the ship with another human having quite an animated conversation. As they boarded, Path could make out what they were talking about.

“…I don’t care what your superiors think, if I was to land on the planet, someone should have told me before I docked here on the platform. You’ll just have to contact our escorts planet side and have them meet us on our way out.” Blackhawk sounded a bit agitated.
“I’m sorry sir, I have no way to do that.” The contact was an olive skinned dark haired man of average height and build. Path could tell the man was not going to buckle under Blackhawk’s verbal barrage. “Not only do I not have transmission equipment, but it would compromise their location. The garrison on the ground would love to find the Rebel camp.” The two men boarded the YT-2000, “As it is, the Imps know that two X-wings have landed on planet. I’m sure the garrison commander has ordered his Stormtroopers out to search.”
“I would assume that too. Path, we all refueled?” Blackhawk addressed his companion.
“Yes, sir. Fueling was finished about half an hour ago.”
“Good, did the armorers come and reload the missiles?”
“No, no sign of them yet.”
“Damn…one delay after another.” Blackhawk went to the commanders console in the cockpit, and put on his headset. “Dakshee Station, this is the CORT Ecureuil Victoire, what is the status of my rearmament?”
“CORT Ecureuil Victoire, the armorers are on the way right now along with your requested Ion Pulse missiles.”
“Rodger, Dakshee Station, out.” Out the cockpit window the men could see an MK droid accompanied by a container tram start coming across the hanger. Blackhawk removed the headset and tossed it in his seat. “Should be about fifteen minutes, then we can get outta here.”
He turned back to Pathogen, “Where are my manners, Pathogen this is Stef Sfigawalker, our contact to the Rebellion. We’re going to give him a ride to our escorts, then to the fleet.”
Path nodded a greeting and extended his hand, “I’m Commander Pathogen, formerly of Chaos Flight. Good to have some other company onboard.”
Stef shook the extended hand, “Nice to meet you too, sir. Glad to be able to be of service to both of you.” Blackhawk scowled, as the droid came up along side of the ship.
“Don’t mind him, he’s just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. He’s not normally like this.” Path poked his friend as he went by.
“I’m just tired of the delays, that’s all, Path. I’m starting to wonder if this is the right move for me. It’s not too late for us both to turn back, ya know.”
Path stopped in his tracks and slowly turned. “What did you say?”
“I said, It’s not too late to turn back.”
“I aught to beat you senseless, you said yourself that you had committed to the Rebellion.” Now it was Pathogen’s turn to sound agitated. “Have you forgotten why we are leaving? Stop that train of thought right there, mister.”
Stef stepped between the two, “Gentlemen, all will go according to plan as long as we keep our mind on the job at hand. Relax…”
For a few seconds the cockpit was quiet, the only sounds hear was the droid below working to reload the missile racks.
Finally, Blackhawk sighed, “Sorry, Bra. I should have never second guessed myself.”
Path smiled “No problem, looks like someone already has gotten to your beating anyways. I’m going outside to check on the droids progress.” Pathogen then left the cockpit, soon they could see him outside.
“Blackhawk, I know you’re frustrated, but things like this happen from time to time.”
“I know Stef, but it doesn’t mean I like it.”


“Dakshee Station, this is the CORT Ecureuil Victoire requesting permission for take off, over.” Blackhawk was glad to start moving again. Sitting and waiting was one of the thing he hated most about any mission. This one was no different. Having the tome to consider you actions was one of the worst things you could do to a military man, no matter what his rank was.
“Rodger, CORT Ecureuil Victoire, you are cleared for takeoff. Your outbound vector is 022/4. Hope you enjoyed your stay.”
“Thank you, Dakshee Station, flying against the pirated was most entertaining. We’ll have to do this again sometime. CORT Ecureuil Victoire, out.”
Blackhawk eased the YT-2000 out of the hanger bay and out into open space. As soon as they were clear of the station Blackhawk asked Stef to come to the cockpit. “Ok, tell me where to go, Stef.” He said as soon as the contact arrived in the cockpit.
“Head for the north shore of Diamondhead , get below sensor level as soon as possible. Our escorts will meet is during our flyby.”
“Rodger that, Stef. You better go and buckle yourself in, it may get a bit bumpy. Send Path up front too. I may need some help.”
“Yes sir.” Stef headed towards the galley to strap himself in there, on his way back he saw Path in the forward hold. “Hey, Blackhawk wants you in the cockpit. Says we might be in for a bumpy ride.” “Ok, thanx. I’ll be right there.”

Pathogen finished checking the cargo making sure it was secure. He then proceeded to the cockpit, sat in his seat and buckled himself in. “Present and accounted for, skipper.”
“What were you doing back there?”
Pathogen laughed, “Checking to make sure that the stewardess was in an upright position, of course.”
“Oh of course. I got the directions from Stef…we’re going in hot towards Diamondhead. Ya know if we had more time, I’d take you diving out there. The water is fantastic. Anyways, our escorts will meet us during our flyby.”
Blackhawk banked toward the planet, entering the atmosphere. The temperature in the cockpit slowly rose as ship went closer to ground level. The ship was tossed about by the turbulence, however, Blackhawk maintained his course and speed making only minor adjustments. “See Path, this ship almost flies itself. Best handling ship our family has ever had.”
Pathogen grimaced, “You just keep both hands on the controls, and do the flying.”
“Don’t worry Bra, We’re Delta, we love to fly, and it shows.”
Pathogen rolled his eyes and groaned.

“Hey Lieutenant, we have a contact incoming, hot.” HJKL shouted down out of his open cockpit.
The Rebel pilots had been taking turns stretching their legs outside of their ships while waiting. The two snubs were camouflaged under some large trees, breaking up their silhouettes. “This could be our boy. Looks like a YT-2000."
Tenchi climbed back into his cockpit, his R2 switching on the sensors as he sat down in the seat.
“Thanx, Tick.” He said to the R2, “I see it Mule, the vector is right and the ship type is what I have on the intel report as well, looks like we have our pickup. Lets get going.” Tenchi initiated the launch sequence on his fighter then dumped the camouflage netting off the wings. He looked over at HJKL to make sure he was doing the same. Once that was done, and both pilots were on their seats the pilots proceeded to start the fighter’s main engines.
“Lt, he’s about a minute out and closing fast.” HJKL announced over the radio.
“Rodger Mule, lets blow this rock.”
Tenchi and HJKL powered up their ships repulsors lifting the X-wing above the tree tops in unison. Once there both pilots engaged their main engines and proceeded on the same vector as the incoming CORT.
As the YT-2000 passed overhead, Tenchi gave the command and both X-wings took off in pursuit. Slow at first, but soon they began to gain on the freighter.

“Unknown fighters, 178, 184/-4 .6km” The combat alarm announced it’s warning.
Blackhawk looked at his sensors, “Hmm, Path those looks like X’s to me. Those are probably our escort.”
Stef’s voice could be heard from the galley. “Unknown fighters? We’re supposed to be escorted in by Silver Squadron. When they ask, tell them that you are a loose end. It’s the code phrase.”
Blackhawk grimaced and turned off the combat alarm. “Hmm…really? Path, take the top turret and keep an eye out for trouble. Get a visual on those fighters.”
“Sure thing skipper.” Pathogen scrambled out of the cockpit and to the ladder that lead to the gunners seat. Once in the gunners station he found the X-wings trailing their ship easily. Slipping on his head set, he conveyed the message. “Good news, boss…they are X’s.”
“Rodger that, Path.” Blackhawk pulled the ship into a climb and keyed the mike to his radio.
“Pursuing X-wings, This is Captain Blackhawk of the CORT Ecureuil Victoire, state your intentions.”
“Captain Blackhawk this is Silver Leader, we are on a patrol gathering loose ends. We were wondering if you had seen any?”
“Yes, we sure have, now we are looking for a way out.”
“We’re your escort home, sir.” Tenchi wondered what kind of Imperial officer this was who would defect piloting a CORT. Any of the previous pilots had defected taking their fighters with them. This is one reason the Rebels had a sizeable number of Imperial fighters. “We’ll be transmitting jump coordinates once we get out of the atmosphere.”
“Rodger Silver leader, I’ll follow once I receive the coordinates.” Blackhawk turned off his mike.

“Path,” he said into the intercom “Come down here and the controls for the jump. I want to talk to Stef some more.”
“Be right down.”
Soon Blackhawk heard Pathogen enter the cockpit and sit in the co-pilots station. “Thanx Bra, let me know when we’re ready to make our jump.” Blackhawk said after Pathogen took the controls. “I’ll be in the galley.”
“Sure thing, skipper.”


“Ok Stef, I can tell you haven’t told me everything you know.” Blackhawk said as he entered the galley. “Time for you to spill your guts. You are obviously not a regular Rebel operative. I want to know who you are, where we going and who are we going to meet with.”
Stef looked up at Blackhawk from his seat, “I’m sorry sir, you’re right. I haven’t been completely straight with you. Let me start by saying you’re right, I’m not a Rebel operative. I am Pilot Stef Sfigawalker, Silver Squadron, Flight 3. Our squad has been charge with the mission of escorting you. The High Command is very interested in your joining us. They have reviewed a copy of your Imperial Service Jacket. To say they were impressed would be an understatement. “ Stef looked at Blackhawk earnestly, ”The Rebel Alliance is in need of qualified officers. Many of our pilots, including myself. are still very green. Our wing commander has requested to interview you as soon as we reach the fleet.”
“So my reputation precedes me…”
“Boss, we’re getting ready to make our jump.” Pathogens voice came over the intercom.
“Hmm…ok Stef, that’s all I want to know for now. Thank you.”
Blackhawk left the galley and headed toward the cockpit. Stef’s bit of information was most helpful. Blackhawk always liked knowing a bit about any situation he was going into. This was no exception. He arrived in the cockpit just in time to see the two X-wings shoot off into hyperspace. “Go ahead Bra, hit it.”


Blackhawk sat in the pilot’s chair thinking. Of course, while traveling through hyperspace there wasn’t a whole lot to do anyways. There were many of his friends left behind that would be looking for answers. Hopefully, if and when he saw them again, this conflict would be a thing of the past and he could explain why he chose to leave the Empires service.

He looked back at his friend Pathogen. With him at the controls, Blackhawk was confident that the ship was in good hands. Pathogen was a competent pilot, qualified in just as many ships as he was. He was guiding the CORT with the natural ease that came from being a pilot for many years. The Ecureuil Victoire was almost done with the last jump to the Rebel Fleet. The ships computer announced, “Transferring from Hyperdrive to real space in five minutes. Prepare for real space piloting.”
“Heya Blackhawk, can I ask you something?”
“Sure Path, what’s on your mind?”
“Where did you get that voice module for the computer?”
Blackhawk laughed, “It was from one of my instructors droids in advanced flight school. He gave me five demerits during one of our training missions for approached the training platform at a high rate of speed and on an unauthorized vector.”
“So you mugged his droid?”
“Nothing was ever proved, my friend.”
“Didn’t he notice the difference in the voice right away?”
“No,” Blackhawk smiled to himself, “He had gone away right before our class was to graduate. By the time he came back, the graduating class had been assigned to the fleet. I did leave his droid with a voice, but it wasn’t quite so pleasant.”
“Oh, I’ll bet he loved that.”
“From what I understand, he wasn’t. Something about a Wookie’s roar that he just didn’t appreciate.”
The ships computer cut in, “Transferring from Hyperdrive to real space in thirty seconds. Location, Ryloth system. Please, prepare for real space piloting.”
“Path, you go ahead and keep the controls, I’m sure this will get more interesting once we get to the fleet.”
“You’re the boss.”

Soon the stars resumed their normal positions in space, showing the ships return from hyperspace. “This is Silver Leader, report in.” The ships radio came to life.
“Silver two standing by.”
Black fumbled for a second with the headset before getting it on correctly. “Ecureuil Victoire in formation. Lead on, gents.”
“Rodger, all ships set course for Ryloth, well meet the fleet behind the second moon.”
“Rodger Silver leader.” Blackhawk was starting to get nervous now. All the months of planning his defection was coming to fruition. Sure, there was some unexpected difficulties, but they were behind them now. A quick interview with the Rebel command, then a new assignment would follow. He was thinking about the new assignment when they reached Ryloth’s second moon, when he saw the fleet. The obvious flag ship was the Calamari Cruiser, but he was taken aback by the Interdictor also flying in fleet formation.
“Captain Blackhawk, you are cleared to land in docking bay 2 of the CRS Deviant. You are expected.”
“Rodger that Silver Leader, thanx for your assistance.”
“Thank you sir. Good luck.” Tenchi and HJKL banked their X-wings toward the Interdictor and soon disappeared out of sight.
“Ya know Path, I’ll bet there is one heck of a story there.”



Blackhawk and Pathogen were escorted to a room off the flightdeck shortly after landing the Ecureuil Victoire. Their escorts were courteous as could be expected, after all they were escorting two Imperial officers to meet with their wing commander. Still, it beat being escorted by Stormtroopers.

Soon, the door opened and in walked the man they were waiting to see, followed by a secretarial droid. “Welcome Captain Blackhawk, I am Commodore Myn Donos. I trust your flight was well?”
“Yes sir. All went according to plan. Well, it went mostly according to plan. I’ve picked up a hitchhiker. Let me present my good friend and an excellent pilot in his own right, Commander Pathogen.”
“I guess we’ll find a spot for him too, if he’s willing.”
“Now tell me, why now? All our previous contacts with you have resulted in our operatives being sent to Kessel. Why the change of heart?”
“Some things have changed, that’s really all I would like to say at this point.”
“Sorry, but I must press the issue. Let me give you some background. I need to accelerate any plans I've had with Wing II. I have Squadrons in need of leadership, and training. I think you can offer both to us.”
Blackhawk leaned closer the table. “Thank you for your vote of confidence, but I had no intention of receiving a command in the fleet. I assumed perhaps a flight leader, or some sort of an advisor position.”
Myn smiled. “That’s not exactly what I have in mind. To be frank, many of my pilots are quite green. I have a decent flight leader core, but unfortunately many are not ready for a command assignment yet. With the proper guidance and training, I’m sure many of them will become very able leaders in the proper time. Problem is, they need something I cannot offer them, time. Your defection came at a most opportune time for the Rebellion. So why did you turn your back upon the Empire?”
“Well here it is in a nutshell, Due to material losses in a particular sector, the powers that be decided it was necessary to investigate me.” Blackhawk looked at Myn intensely, “I know it sounds trivial, but my record is without reproach. There has never been any reason for the admirals to second guess any of my actions. Yet time and time again, they saw fit to do so. I have had enough with the Imperial style of command. It’s not based on your abilities, but how much boot licking you do. I can no longer follow that kind of leadership.” Blackhawk sighed, “So now I come to you.”
“What about you Pathogen? What’s your reason?”
“Mainly, it’s to keep the boss here outta trouble.” He said as he smiled. “There are other reasons as well, none quite as noble as Blackhawk’s, but I have issues with the Empire as well. Let’s just say, my time with the Empire has come to a close at just the right time. I’ve done some things that would be considered as being more self serving than in the best interests of Imperial service.”
“Hmm…” Myn Donos looked a the two pilots, “I assume you wish to remain together as well.”
Both men answered in unison, “Yes sir.”
“The only squad I have openings in for your level of expertise and together as well, is Silver Squadron. Ironically, they were the ones ordered to escort you to the fleet. You may have seen their command ship on your way in, the INT Light Horizon. It should be just like home for you.”
Path smirked, “Blackhawk, looks like you got your ship upgrade. See Myn, we were stationed on this old Strike Cruiser while in Delta squad, and…”
Blackhawk kicked Pathogen under the table. “Thank you, sir. That will be fine, won’t it Path?”
Pathogen rubbed his leg, “Yeah sure, Silver Squadron will be fine, sir.”
“Ok take your ship over to the Light Horizon, and take charge. I’ll let them know you’re coming.” Myn Donos stood left the table and opened the door. “One more thing gentlemen, welcome to the Alliance.”


Last updated: 09/01
Wing II / Silver Squadron
The Rebel Allaince