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Poetic Prophecy: 0rigin

By: D. Clark



After a death flowed the years beyond three times one thousand fold when great winds blew,

Comes a reborn of a mind open and true in the seventh day first month nineteen seventy-two,

When during a time as young before the first light of the gun a gift was felt but hidden by dark fear,

Then from dreams cast a key to later see a constant sign from a great Egyptian time as echoes he hear,


As one chosen to a great trial for each day for thirty cycles of a dark sleep until again awaken like before,

Brings him favoring each challenge with a mind unique and strong but not after long will come several more,

Then shall come a quiet morning to bring the trembling warning that shatters the safety of the throne,

After brings the remote view past the clouds and blue of a divine before its time that seemed known,


As in the eyes before the demise repeated the words Man from land to sea shall not escape what is meant to be,

Is when he lost his fright of the shadows during the night to a distant sight at which he began to foresee,

Just after the united might show the sands of the east a thunderous night began a journey dressed in green,

Then struck onto him a enlightenment beyond comprehension then join a Army of soldiers awaken with eyes so keen,


With his trust into troubled words as a heart so committed brought fear as transmitted with a surprise said to be grand,

Becomes to many great writings wrote about events to be heard with a final cycle of the third as he wrote of mans last stand,

As the first Poetic Prophecy hit the minds of some soon came a second third and fourth as more did come as he was not done,

Just before the blood and the flood these poems became more as those who perished as others cherished as a race of one.





Poetic Prophecy: One

By: D. Clark

When the fifth month, third year in the new age is here,
So comes the second challenge of mans greatest fear,
When the sands of the east are plagued with fear and fright,
On this day the dragons shall unleash their fiery might,

With this begins the great chaotic calamity when the sky shall be as red as blood,
Then began the great panic that furiously flowed like the deluge flood,
As man walked his last steps on his final stand,
Many suffered and perished on earth’s conquered land,

As the desperate child cried for its distant mother with blind trust,
These Artic winds shall blow with a cataclysmic gust,
When the wounds bleed one color of red during the second phase of the third,
Only then will the lions eyes be earned and cries be heard,

Just as the awakening before this cycle that has began,
A lion shall awake from darkness of her lunar den,
As the lion returns with a thunderous and magnificent roar,
This king of terror is vanquished once more…






Poetic Prophecy: Two

By: D. Clark



With a end to the second challenge and before the next demise,
Brings a sky full of radiant thunder from the grand surprise,
With this gift from the disciples spread to all from land to sea,
Caused a death to all enslaved which was meant to be,

As all primitives this day stare into a sky once blue,
A sudden transformation of man will break the clouds mind so true,
When a day with out fear with only magnificent wonder and joy,
So looses the need for the child’s most destructive toy,

When serpents of evil condemned with the inequities they committed,
A lion awaken rewarded with calm tones that were transmitted,
With a matured race as one as many and as all,
These new timeless marvels built with the golden heart will not fall,

With the first gift that would float mountains as a newborn before,
His next will win the race against light as man is reborn once more,
With a journey beyond the ten brothers that takes a blink of an eye,
Man shall favor the final challenge when the beast falls from the sky.







Poetic Prophecy: Three

By: D. Clark



During the new age second month and year twenty-seven,

Will be a day when a great beast will fall down from heaven,

As the beast strikes the heart of the once ancient Babylonian sands,

Then shall rise the colossal and furious sea that floods all lands,


As the beast casts the laws of nature against those of mortal man,

This beast shall bring out its own weakness from those on holy sand,

As before his evil arrived his blind hate mislead again to another surprise,

During before the beast neared all who fallen began to rise,


If words like these are from a source so divine and true,

Then let them guide those who are untouched by fire as they walk through,

When the jump beyond light and the new city on the fourth brother are known,

With the ambassador from one to the many will share a great throne,


After times that were dark and new help from a friend who once seemed distant,

Ends the rest of the serpents who were vanquished in an instant,

Once is done the river of tears over the many scores who had to perish,

Is when the third gift brings a millennium of immortal peace so he cherish.








Poetic Prophecy: Four

By: D. Clark


As the voices of the risen silence speak to those awaken with dark rage,

Comes the passing of time before a sign around the fifth month second year new age,

As the center of our luminous life shows her fiery dance of warning,

Brings the sunrise during about this time of a never forgotten morning,


With the first contraction of her birth which grow strong,

Deep consumed the City of Angles beneath from the beast shall shake for long,

So comes the great one to bring so much trembling fear to the Bear,

That soon after all dwellings by mortals ruin the land its self began to tear,


Just before and during another great one to desolate a City of the Cosmic Needle shaken,

With and now comes the titanic tears and bolts to alter these and other lands forsaken,

As this comes from the power of four to cleanse those who bleed the blood so cold,

As the long waited turning of tables brings these four onto one hundred fold,


When the key comes clear of the doors in threes and open they shall,

Brings yet again a third heart united from which divided it fell,

With this test of wills with each cycle till the third seems meant to be,

For each lesson learned brings glory earned as true of the new he shall see.