Mood: surprised
Now Playing: The Jones Girls - "Nights Over Egypt"
Topic: Writing
I must really be in the flow if I forego watching ths Superbowl (or any football) to write! Either that or I am not interested in this year's matchup. Probably a bit of both. Plus I have new incentive to complete "...Ampersand..." by April 1, then perhaps have the edit, re-edit and re-re-edits out of the way by Autumn. I remembered today that I wish to participate in the 2006 NaNoWriMo, the National Novel Writing Month. Since I am always looking for a new creative challenge, that is one I shall rise to. I have a serious backlog of ideas that are just waiting for the chance to be put into some kind of finalized form and this will be a good chance to finally put words to those ideas. For those interested in knowing what it's all about, go here for mo'info: NaNoWriMo My loins are already burning at the thought.