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Company History

Executive Cars
Limousines 8 to 10
20 Passenger Limos
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Tips on Limos
Company History

Company History



I have a dream
-Martin Luther king jr

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

-Eleanor Roosevelt

"The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it. 11 -W. M. Lewis

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." N.B.: "Fear itself." See also H. D. Thoreau. -Franklin D. Roosevelt

If you had one shot, or one opportunity, to seize everything you ever wanted, one moment would you capture it or let it slip away.

Eminem ( Slim Shady)

Many quotes that inspired me)

It was March 15, 2001. 1 had just lost my job, I had found myself being in a dead end street. I worked hard for over 4 years for 7 different companies and had nothing to show for it. I started to cry, I felt I was nobody. I was scared, I had a little bit of money put away but not much to last more then 2 months. It was then and there that I decided I was going to do something, to be somebody so I can live and enjoy my life.

I made the decision that I wanted to be my own boss. Since I lost my job I landed on unemployment and took full advantage of what they had to offer me. There was a course that was beginning in September on how to manage your own business. I registered for that course still not knowing what I wanted to start as a business. I had 5 months to get my act together. I looked around and this landed me in Sudbury, Ontario. My mother's family is from that area. I had a couple of good talks with my uncle Peter Shaj owner of Nite Lite Limousines and decided there and then that I wanted to start my own limousines service in the Ottawa-Gatineau Area.

I began my course knowing what I was going for. The course was to last 3 months and I said to myself that I will have a limousine before Christmas. A teacher named Richard Gigere inspired me even more. As much as what he was saying about the reality of business was scaring me as much as it was fueling me to go even further in my project.

Now I was ready but I had one thing missing MONEY! This was the most stressful part of all. I did over 22 banks and every time my hands got sweaty, my knees and my arms got heavy, I was nervous but I looked calm and ready I went inside and got my answer, your too young or dream on!!! That's when I snapped back to realty but I did not give up. I turned to my father, I personally felt he did not believe my project at first, I did not blame him, It was not like I was asking for 20$. It took a while, but he finally approached me and said If you fell you can do this I will back you up on it. Still to this day I cant believe he said it but I'm ever so graceful he did. He put his house as the guarantee on my project. So in my head I was saying If I screw up I loose the family home. This was a lot of pressure on my back but I believe it was what I needed to get threw it.

It has now been over three years my company has grown. I've done many volunteer work for needful organizations, this is something I love to do especially for young children. I've always stuck by my principles to giving the best quality of service for all my clients who many have become close friends of mine as well.

Well it goes to show you that anybody can become somebody.

Marc Belisle

Special thanks to:

Yvon Belisle (my father): for believing and helping me to start out

My Friends and my family: For you encouragement and support

Richard Gigere (my teacher): For believing and showing me into the right direction

To my clients: Without you I would not be here.