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This page is dedicated to informing everyone about Islam! And if they are any mistakes it because of my limited knowledge, any good its from Allah.

Site Updated on Sept 2005

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Holy Quran

(Surah An-Nisaa': 16)

In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

"Ramadan is the (month) in which the Qur'an was sent down, as a guide to mankind and a clear guidance and judgment (so that mankind will distinguish from right and wrong).." (Qur'an 2:183) . "

Surah 1, Al-Fatiha, The Opening Surah

(1) In the name of Allah, the Owner and Giver of Mercy

(2) Allah is praised, the Lord of all Worlds

(3) The Owner and Giver of Mercy

(4) The King of the Day of Repayment

(5) We serve only You and ask only You for help

(6) Guide us the straight path

(7) The path of those You have favoured

Not of those deserving anger, Nor of those who loose their way.



Abu Huraira related that Rasulullah said: If anyone omits his fast even for one day in Ramadan without a concession or without being ill, then if he were to fast for the rest of his life he could not make up for it (Bukhari). "

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New Islamic Articles

Biography, mission and the message of Muhamad (pbuh) , the Prophet of Islam

Reward for Sending Blessings on the Prophet (pbuh)
Love for the Prophet is a Condition of Faith
The Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh)Conduct and Morals as an Evidence of His Prophethood
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Clearing the Misconceptions about Islam, please visit Understanding Islam

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