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science log- lieutenant mackenzie jackson

science log stardate 52105.4 (I think)
Most of the Athene crew were back together after the Captain and I used out primitive subspace homing beacon however since the Captain wasn't wearing her comm-badge she was soon lost in time again. Guessing that she was wherever Lin and Tarad are Tonilyn and I came up with a way to send all of ut there too, wherever that may be . We all managed to get back into the building where we first used the beacon and are about to make an attempt to go to the place and time where the Captain, Lin and Vaxia are
I am Lt. Commander Jackson and the year is 2387 but somehow I am also Lt. j.g. Mackenzie Jackson. I believe I jumped into my own body 12 years in the future. Now I must find out where everyone else had gong.

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