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Operations log- Lt. Vaxia Tarad

Operations Officer's Log, Stardate 511028.4

I received a disturbing communication from the captain earlier today. She said, with no warning whatsoever, that I was demoted to the rank of ensign. For what reason, I have no idea. But instead of accepting it, I've decided to leave the Athene. Yordarn agrees with me, and we're both resigning our Starfleet commissions- I'm hoping to build another life for myself somwhere out there among the stars. I remember when I thought they were my friends. Now I feel alone in the great galaxy out there. Starfleet has always seemed like a home, but I can no longer stay.

OOC: I've decided to put this up here instead of sending it to the crew via e-mail. It seemed easier, somehow. What I've said in character is all true. I got an e-mail from Sinead saying that I'd been demoted because my "knowledge of Star Trek is unsatisfactory". I would really like to know who she thinks she is. First of all, I live in England, where we get the new episodes a long time after most of you guys get them. So I have no idea about the new episodes. I find it wholly unfair that I get treated like this because of something that isn't my fault. Sinead may have satellite or cable or whatever, but I don't. Anyway, I decided to leave the Athene, as you know. I feel really sad to be leaving- I even cried for about ten minutes when I was writing the letter to say I was leaving. It was one of the hardest decisions I've ever made, and I wish it hadn't had to be like this. But I guess some captains don't know how to treat their crew members, and some RPG GMs don't know that respect is earned, not just automatically there. I really have enjoyed roleplaying with you all, this did come out of the blue. As I said in my mail, I hope we can keep in contact, I'm really going to miss you. I hope the Athene goes on- with good people like you behind it, I know it can grow to be a great group, no matter who's in charge (or thinks they are).

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