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Chief Science officers log- Lt. D'tan Straev Tonilyn

Duty Log

Stardate 51815.1
Today, the Captain informed Lt. Cmdr. Lin and I of our real mission on Risa and also stated that she would be infiltrating the fanatic political group herself. It was my duty to inform the crew of the cover story to explain why our Captain was missing. In addition, Cmdr. Arden has returned from Deep Space Nine and, for some reason, has decided to land the ship on Risa.

Stardate 51809.2
Lt. Jackson has beamed down to the surface of Risa. He is scheduled to return in 36 hours for his duty shift. I have recalibrated the external sensor grid to compensate for random ion fluctuations from the Risian sun. Also, I have returned all shield modulation controls to the Security station. Apparently, I had forgotten to do so after our last mission had been completed.

Personal Log

Stardate 51815.2
I have had numerous encounters with an ensign in Security. His name is Ensign Jason Masters. He intrigues me, he confuses me, he makes me laugh (which is not a good thing for a Romulan attempting to achieve Kolinar). I do not know how this new relationship will proceed, but I am sure of one thing. The Captain was right, "Sometimes, logic isn't what the situation calls for."

Stardate 51809.1
Our last mission has ended in success, and yet I feel uneasy. The Captain has ordered the ship and crew to Risa for shore leave and I wish for a task, an assignment, anything to keep my mind restricted to logic.

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