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Received on 7th November 1999


"Thank you for submitting for the Gold Award. I enjoyed surfing your
site, and I am sure everybody else will too."

Received on 9th November 1999


Received on 6th November 1999

"Congratulations!  I have visited your site, and due to your hard work and talent in webpage design, you win "Audrey's 'Out of This World' Award"!!"

Received on 5th November 1999

"Heres your award.  Your page rocks! "


Received on 10th November 1999


"WOW!! Great Page!! I Like The BsB...I Love Your Site!!
You Deserve This Award!! I Bookmarked Your Site...HeHe"

Received on 4th November 1999

"ur off to a gr8 start! ur sure to get a nice collection of awards.   :)"

"I have reviewed your site and found it to be a great site. You have worked
hard on it and it definately shows."

The Phoenix Gate

"Great Page!"

"Here comes the award for you. You have a great site."

Get Rated Today!


"Here one finds a media section in which some BSB songs are included in
real audio and midi format. In the pictures section one finds group
pictures, which are presented nicely. This site is surely worth a visit for
avid BSB fans, as it is totally focussed on the topic at hand. Presentation
is simple and easy HTML coding is used. However, the main page fails to
work on large screen resolutions, and some subpages should have a back

Received on 11th November 1999

"Your web site has won the "GOLD MEDAL" Web Page Excellence Award.
Your site has been visited and judged worthy of this award.  It is an excellent site with nice design, very good use of graphics and very informative.  Your site is a cut above the rest."


"Thanks for applying for the CRAPteria Award.  We just spent some time visiting your site and rating it using the CRAPteria."



CONGRATULATIONS! You have won my Enchated Award! not
only that but your the first one who ever won it! so
be proud /\_/\

I really like your layout and dezine of your graphics.
It can be hard to find a really good site on the
net.Not only that but u have tonz of info and
everything,which is really good!


Congrats! You've won Gretch97's Backstreet Boys' Cool BSB Site Award !