The holidays are here again! That time of year for joy and happiness and an appreciation for
The “joyfulness” of the holiday season, it seems, comes with a price.
And that price is more:
holiday cooking, holiday parties, holiday shopping, holiday housecleaning
(after all, it’s got to
be clean for the parties) holiday decorating, holiday wrapping, etc., etc.,
etc.! It never seems
to stop! YOU never seem to stop. The demands on your time are
enormous. You’re tired,
exhausted and stretched to your limits. All in all you’re less “joyful”.
And some of you,
although too embarrassed or ashamed to admit it, may even hate the holidays!
Do they
HAVE to be this way?
NO THEY DON’T! And this year, you can take control. With a
few suggestions and a little
planning you can make them far less stressful and a lot more fun!
1. Understand that you are normal! I don’t know any woman who actually enjoys the
2. No matter what make sure you get enough sleep every night! All of this extra activity is
3. Start your Christmas/Hanukah shopping now! Believe it or not the stores and the parking
4. Go shopping ALONE! Get a babysitter for your kids, ask your neighbors to help with
5. Shop Monday through Friday between 8am and 5pm (except for lunch hours). If you have
6. Shop from catalogs and from the Internet as much as possible. And if you’re purchasing
7. Wrap as you go. When you purchase gifts, come home and wrap them immediately.
8. Just say no. Say no to parties that you don’t want to attend. Say no to commitments that
9. Don’t do it the way your mother did it! So often we try to make our holidays just like they
10. Create your own family traditions. Traditions are an important part of our lives. They’re
Whatever you do,however you celebrate, remember that the holidays are not
about parties
and food and shopping and gifts. They’re about the people in your
life. They’re about your
family, your friends, and your loved ones; they’re about those who have
made a difference to
you. So whatever your faith, whatever your beliefs, the holidays
are really about sharing your
love, being thankful for all you have, giving without the expectation of
a return, and hope for
the future. They’re about the very best in humanity…
Jacqueline McLaughlin Hale is a CPA and the editor of “The Balanced Woman” a monthly