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The Creating Power sang a second song and took otter out of the bag.
Otter was ordered to dive and bring up mud.
Otter, who was sleek, dove into the water at once
using his strong webbed feet to go down furher than loon.
 Down, down, down he went staying for a very long time.
 But, when otter finally came back, otter  was also empty handed.

Out of the pipe wrapping came beaver.
Creating Power sang a third song.
Creator commanded beaver to dive
and bring back mud from the bottom of the waters.
Beaver dove into the water and used his broad tail to go down.
Although beaver dove deeper and
stayed under the water longer than the others,
he too brought back nothing.

The Creator then sang the fourth song and brought turtle out of the bag.
Turtle was very strong.
"You must bring back the mud," said Creator to turtle.

Turtle dove into the water.
turtle stayed so long that the others began to shout,
"Turtle is dead.  Turtle will never come up again."

And, all the while, crow had been circling and flying.

It seemed forever before turtle broke the surface of the water
and paddled over to the Creator.
"I found the bottom!"
turtle cried out.
"I brought some earth!"
And sure enough there it was.
Earth...filling all the spaces and cracks between turtle's toes and claws.
Earth...packed into the spaces separating the upper and lower shell.

The Creating Power began to sing
as it took the mud from turtle's side and feet.
Creator sang the entire time while shaping the mud.
The mud was shaped and spread on the water to make a spot of dry land.
By the time the fourth song was finished,
there was enough dry land for the Creator and crow to sit.
"Come down and rest," said the Creator to the crow.
Crow was very glad and did as Creator said.








Turtle stands for long life, endurance and the power to survive.
The turtle heart is great power because
it keeps beating a very long time after the turtle is dead.