Wednesday Oct-5th 99' 11:00pm (PST).
*I do not, by any means, mean to exploit the show or cast. I am re-writing this through my own ears. A minute amount of the interveiw is not in here. It is when DJE comments on something while MS is talking about himself thanking the woman who accidentally offended him. If you know what DJE is saying please e-mail me and tell me, so I can add it to the transcript. Thanx!!*
KEY: DJE:You should know who that is!LOL.
MS: Martin Short.
PME: Peter Michael Escavedo.
(Music plays as DJE comes through a stage door, wearing a pink shirt with black trousers, jacket and shoes. He shakes hands with MS and PME).
DJE:(Sits down and looks at his suit). I'm glad I wore the black suit. I see thats the way it goes.
MS: Yes, it's kind of a different look. Boy, they love you don't they? (MS looks at the cheering and wooing audience).
DJE: Let me undo this (Undoes suit and people cheer).God bless them...Thanks. They like Canadians....
MS: So...You know, it's very hard. We Canadians are shyer people. Do you find the love and the affection and caring, and the feeling and the good that they keep on you?
DJE: (Nodds). If this was a Canadian show, I mean if this was a Canadian audience we would probably be...(he pauses to hear a silent audience)...much like this!
MS: (Laughs and claps while turning to audience). Really good,eh? Good for you!
DJE: (Claps). An' I mean, it would feel that but...
MS: No, no, no. It would feel the same thing.
DJE: Yeah, exactly...
MS:(Jokes).Don't put Canada down!
DJE: No! I wasn't..
MS: No, because you're here to make a lot of money.
DJE: No that why I wanted to correct that!
MS: (Laughs).
DJE: (Changes subject). It's a very small room in there!(Points to the door he entered through).
MS: Yeah, I know. But for a giant like you...
DJE: (Laughs)
MS: It is odd, being a Canadian. You do have...there's a different sensability there. We're a more insecure country, would'nt you say?
DJE: Y'know, growin' up next to a, a giant like America, I think it's probably uh, had something to do with it. I dunno, I, I dunno it's insecurity. It's just...
MS:(Cuts DJE off). Oh, I think it is, I think it is!
DJE: Do you?
MS:I know, I know I'm certaintly frightened. And it just can't be from my height.
DJE: (Strikes a thinking pose and clears his throat).
MS: There's gotta be more to it than that. When I was a kid, I'd run down the stairs (puts on kids voice).'Mum Walter Kronkite mentioned Canada on the news...' (Nodds head excitedly)
"We're worthy HUH!?".
DJE:(Smiles and laughs).
MS: Y'know, I mean, I don't think thats normal?
MS: And when you listen to the Olympics and they'd say "Oh, there's a scare from Ott-Ah-Wah".Ah, no! It's Ottowa, y'know?
DJE:Oh yeah...yeah.Yeah, I never knew we were reserve until I came here, and I heard people like, sortof, mention that.
MS: but when you go and people attack you and fought over you, as you told me earlier they do...
DJE: (Laughs)
MS: And I don't believe you, by the way. But let's say it's true. Umm...Do you find that you are, I mean, 'cause Canadians kinda take suiccess,I think pretty well. With the exception of Allan Thick in the 80's. I've never seen a Canadian...(MS corrects)..Well, I kid , I kid Allan.
DJE:(Grins and nodds).
MS: But I've never seen Canadians who are, they never seem to end up in,uh...Betty Ford. They seem to be pretty in control of their success don't you think?
DJE:(Sits up straight and nodds). I guess, I mean, look at you (gestures his hand at MS)
MS: No!No, don't go by me!
MS: We'll go by Michael Fox and the others.Michael Fox.
DJE:Michael.Yeah...yeah y'know what?(Sits back in chair).Y'know, We'll see how it goes.
MS: Well, you've done fine so far!.
DJE: Well, thanks Martin. And ,and I wanted to tell you, you look exactly like you do on film (Dusts his suit). Which is a kind word 'cause people always tell me I don't, but...
MS:Yeah, gee.Uhhh...I'd hoped I'd looked uhh...
DJE: As in "Does this point segway outta that into the..."
MS: No, but I'd hoped that you'd say "Gee, you look so much better".Ummm...But exactly. Well, y'know I've played some pretty attractive characters. So thanks...DAVE!!.
PME:(Talking to MS). Whats that story you tell about the woman who stopped you in the park?
DJE:(Looks at PME).
MS: Oh, Yeah. The woman I saw the other day, stopped me and said "I don't mean to offend you in any way,but has any one told you, you look like Martin Short"
DJE and PME:(Laugh).
MS:And uh. You say: "Thanks maddam. Thanks a great deal".
DJE:(Mutters.....This is the part I can't get.)
MS: Tell me about..uhh..uh.....I find JAG, the reaction to your series very interesting because...It's a pro-military show right? Wouldn't you say?
DJE:I guess, yeah.
MS: Yeah,and,and one would assume, like when I was, you know, lets go in University in the early 70's, I would've assumed that that would've been a negative thing...
DJE:(Clears throat).
MS:And now that isn't a negative thing in America is it?
DJE:Y'know that's always puzzeled me, because I, what is negative without the military? I mean God knows what would be happening here at this moment.
(Audience Cheer).
DJE:You know what I mean?
MS: Yeah. No, I agree!
DJE: So, that always puzzeled me. I'm not firing the right act. I figure I'm sorta a Liberal guy. So, I, that's always...
MS: I actually am a Democrat, or a Liberalor what ever you call it. But , but I would Say that I agree with all the military. Y'know?
DJE: Right.Figuring we'd be in that situation.
MS:The series fans should be called Commrades.
MS: You know ,I think that uh, I mean Ralph Nader thinks that we should invade China at this point. I mean everyone has switched from a sensability of, being you know uh...Anti-military to we need the military. We need the military to keep peace and keep humanity going throughout the world. So I think JAG is kind of, ah, probably , I think that's the reason why it's so successful.'cause it's crossing over so many...
DJE: It took a while! I mean we're in our 5th season and last night, or,or...ah,no it was'nt last night , a coulpe of nights ago, when the show aired it was the highest numbers we'd ever had! I mean it was like through the roof!! So...
(Audience Cheer!)
MS: Wow! Money makes the world revolve.(rubs fingers together).
DJE: It's just 5 years!.(Laughs).
MS: You get paid in American money right?
DJE: (Laughs).
MS: Do you still go on with the Canadian agent?
MS:No!I always hear that series work is... remember always from "Charlie's Angels" on Farrah Fawcet (puts on a posh voice) "I'm telling you I'm working 23 hours a day". And you always felt badly for Farrah.
(Audience laugh)
MS:Ummm...No you did! And you always heard that those kid of series were the hardest and the longest and the grindiest series.
DJE: Hardest work in TV showbusiness.
MS:Yeah they are.But do you ever see your family ?...Your wife?
DJE:My wife was here today (looks towards the stage door).
MS:Well, I saw your wife, I see your wife.Hello!(Calls towards the door).
DJE:Yeah. but,no.Y'know I don't see her as often as I'd like. An' uh...
MS:Except NOW!...
DJE: And at one point...I gotta tell ya now, my daughter-we went away a couple of years ago, and she kept saying-telling my wife how much she loved her. You know-'I love you mummy,I love you' and then uh, my wife said-'Why don't you tell Daddy that you love him?'. She said-'I really don't know him very well.'
DJE:(Puts his right hand up against his heart, with a hurt look on his face).
MS:Oh, that's bad!
DJE:And I thought-'Oh my God!'You know. And took that summer off. Normally I try to do a movie y'know?
DJE:I mean,struggle to get into y'know?
MS:Your wife's working on the show now!
DJE:Yes!She is!
MS:So that's better.That'd be nice.
DJE:That has been very nice. She has a re-occuring role,and my daughter got a little upset about that.
MS:What she say?
DJE:Well she,(laughs) uhh...I remember calling Nanci and telling her, she got really excited and I told Stephanie and she was like(DJE looks down at the ground)'Really?'...'FINE!!' slammed the phone down, went to her room and slammed the door.Because, I guess, I'm not around as much as she would like and now she figures Mummy's not around either...
MS:Well, it gives her more time to write the 'Hatred book' that she'll be writing about you.
MS:(Pretends to type on a typewriter or computer).'Damn you Daddy Sir!'
DJE:Yes...God yes...
MS:(Continues).'Then Daddy felt he was a Great Big hero by not taking a movie in the summer...WHOOO CARES!!
DJE:(Laughs really loud).
MS:'Underline.The End!!'...David. The show is called JAG.
DJE: Yes it is!
MS:It's on Thursdays on CBS. It's a HUUGE hit!Congratulations!!
MS:Thanks for being here.
DJE:Thanks for having me Martin.
((DJE,PME and MS shake hands)