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Betty Jo Mings

I was born in 1927 during the Depression years. My Father ran off and left my Mother with six children to provide for and take care of. My Mother had never had a job, but she fell down on her knees and promised the Lord that with His help she would work as hard as necessary, never accepting charity, to raise us to love the Lord and to follow Him. I always knew that she raised us on her knees, seeking help and guidance from the Lord.

When I was nine years old, I went forward at an altar call in a little country church, and with tears streaming down my cheeks I asked Jesus to be the Lord of my life and to come live in my heart. I was baptized soon after that, and all my life I have loved the Lord and tried to serve Him. When I have a problem, I always take it to the Lord, and He has never failed to help and comfort me. There have been joyous times, and sad times, but through it all I am assured my Lord will work all things together for my good.

I met my Husband in church, and together we have loved and served the Lord for fifty years. I have three children and five grandchildren, and they are all active Christians. I can't believe how much the Lord has blessed us! About the same time that I accepted the Lord, I started writing poems, and I have written them all my life. Writing poems for me is as necessary and as easy as breathing. I feel this ability comes from the Lord, and everything I write is dedicated to Him. Nothing makes me happier than to know that one of my poems has helped to ease some pain, or point someone to Christ. I would like to share with you:


My life's a fleeting moment in the endless march of time, And days on earth so soon will all be past. I want to be remembered for the love that I have shown, And want my legacy of love to last.

I long to share my Jesus with the people that I meet, And pray that I'll bring honor to His Name. I'd rather be a faithful servant of my Lord and King, Than be endowed with beauty, wealth or fame.

I'm building for eternity, and pray my deeds won't be Wood, hay or stubble that will quickly burn. But if on sure foundation I use gold and precious stones, A lasting place in Heaven they will earn.

I hope that when at last I stand before the throne of God, There will be many others there who'll say, "I'm here because you shared the love of Christ with me on earth, And clearly pointed out to me The Way."

Lord, help me to reflect Your love, and like a magnet, draw Lost, hurting souls to want to know You too. And when my life is over, may I hear You say, "Well done. You did your best with what I gave to you."

Betty Jo Mings