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What The Bible Says About...
Faith ~1

Matthew 8:28 Faith is more than belief.
By faith, you accept what Jesus has done
for you, receive Him as the only one who
can save you from sin, and live out your
faith by obeying His commands.

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Luke 3:7 What motivates your faith? Fear
of the future or a desire to be a better
person in the world. Some people wanted to
be baptized by John so they could escape
eternal punishment, but they didn't turn to
God for salvation. John had harsh words for
such people. He knew that God values
reformation above ritual. Is your faith
motivated by a desire for a new, changed
ife or is it only like a vaccination or
insurance policy against possible disaster?

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Luke 3:8,9 Confession of sins and a changed
life are inseparable. Faith without deeds
is dead. (James 2:14-26) Jesus harshest words
were to the respectable religious leaders who
lacked the desire for real change. They wanted
to be known as religious authorities, but they
didn't want to change their minds and hearts.
Thus their lives were unproductive. Repentance
must be fed to action or it isn't real.
Following Jesus means more than saying the
right words; it means acting on what He says.

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Phillippians 2:2,3 It is easy to place more
emphasis on religious effort (confidence in
the flesh) than on internal faith, but God
values the attitude of our hearts above all
else. Don't judge people's spirituality by
their fulfillment of duties or by their level
of human activity. And don't think you will
satisfy God by feverishly doing his work.
God notices all you do for Him and will reward
you for it, but only as a loving response to
His free gift of salvation.

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James 2: In this chapter, James argues against
favoritism and for the necessity of good deeds.
He presents these three principles of faith:
(1) Commitment is an essential part of faith.
You cannot be a Christian simply by affirming
the right doctrines or agreeing with Biblical
facts (2:19). You must commit your mind and
heart to Christ. (2)Right actions are the
natural by-products of true faith. A genuine
Christian will have a changed life (2:18).
(3) Faith without good deeds doesn't do any-
body any good - it is useless (2:14-17).
James teachings are consistent with Paul's
teaching that we receive salvation by faith
alone. Paul emphasizes the purpose of faith
~ to bring salvation. James emphasizes the
results of faith, a changed life.

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James 2:18 At first glance, this verse
seems to contradict Romans 3:28, "man is
justified by faith apart from observing
the law." Deeper investigation, however,
shows that the teaching of James and Paul
are not at odds. While it is true that our
good deeds can never earn salvation, true
faith always results in changed life and
good deeds. Paul speaks against those who
try to be saved by deeds instead of true
faith; James speaks against those who
confuse mere intellectual assent with true
faith. After all, even demons know who
Jesus is, but they don't obey Him (2:19).
True faith involves a commitment of your
whole self to God.

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2 Peter 1:5-9 Faith must be more than
belief in certain facts; it must result
in action, growth in Christian character;
and the practice of moral discipline, or
it will die away (James 2:14-17). Peter
lists several of faith's actions: learning
to know God better, developing perserverance,
doing God's will and loving others. These
actions do not come automatically, they
require hard work. They are not optional;
all of them must be a continual part of the
Christian life. We don't finish one and
start on the next, but we work on them all
together. God empowers and enables us but
He also gives us the responsibility to learn
and grow. We should not be surprised at or
resentful of the process. Our faith must go
beyond what we believe; it must become a
dynamic part of all we do, resulting in good
fruit and spiritual maturity. Salvation
does not depent on good deeds but it results
in good deeds. A person who claims to be
saved while remaining unchanged does not
understand faith or what God has done for

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