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What The Bible Says About...
Faith ~2

1 John 2:28,29 The visible proof of being a
Christian is right behavior. Many people do good
deeds, but don't have faith in Jesus Christ.
Others claim to have faith but rarely produce good
deeds. A deficit in either faith or right behavior
will be a cause for shame when Christ returns.
Because true faith always results in good deeds,
those who claim to have faith and who consistently
do what is right are true believers. Good deeds
cannot produce salvation (see Ephesians 2:8,9), but
they are necessary proof that true faith is actually
present (James 2:14-17).

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Mark 2:14,15 The day that Levi met Jesus, Levi
held a meeting to introduce others to Jesus. Levi
didn't waste any time starting to witness! Some
people feel that new believers should wait for
maturity or training before they begin to tell
others about Christ. But like Levi, new believers
can share their faith right away with whatever
knowledge, skill or experience they already have.

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Luke 5:18-20 It wasn't the paralytic's faith that
impressed Jesus, but the faith of his friends.
Jesus responded to their faith and healed the man.
For better or worse, our faith affects others.
We cannot make another person a Christian, but we
can do much through our words, actions and love to
give him or her a chance to respond. Look for
opportunities to bring your friends to the living

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John 3:19-21 Many people don't want their lives
exposed to God's light, because they are afraid
of what might be revealed. They don't want to be
changed. Don't be surprised when these same
people are threatened by your desire to obey God
and do what is right, because they are afraid that
the light in you may expose some of the darkness
in their lives. Rather than giving in to the
discouragement, keep praying that they will come
to see how much better it is to live in the light
than in darkness.

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Matthew 5:11,12 Jesus said to rejoice when we're
persecuted. Persecution can be good because (1)
it takes our eyes off earthly rewards, (2) it
strips away superficial belief, (3) it strengthens
the faith of those who endure, and (4) our attitude
though it serves to others who follow. We can be
comforted to know that God's greatest prophets
were persecuted (Elijah, Jeremiah, Daniel). The
fact that we are being persecuted proves that we
have been faithful, faithless people would be
unnoticed. In the future, God will reward the
faithful by receiving them into his eternal
kingdom where there is no more persecution.

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Matthew 7:21-23 Jesus exposed those people who
sounded religious but had no personal relationship
with Him. On "that day" (the day of judgement),
only our relationship with Christ ~ our acceptance
of Him as Savior, and our obedience to Him ~ will
matter. Many people think that if they are "good"
people and say religious things, they will be
rewarded with eternal life. In reality, faith
in Christ is what will count at the judgement.

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Galatians 1:6 Some people were preaching "a
different gospel". They were teaching that to
be saved, Gentile believers had to follow Jewish
laws and customs, especially the right of
circumcision. Faith in Christ was not enough.
This message undermined the truth of the good news
that salvation is a gift, not a reward for certain
deeds. Jesus Christ has made this gift available
to all people, not just to Jews. Beware of
people who say we need more than simple faith in
Christ to be saved. When people set up additional
requirements for salvation, they deny the power
of Christ's death on the cross (see3:1-5)

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Galatians 3:2,3 We must realize that we grow
spiritually because of God's work in us by His
Spirit, not by following special rules.

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Matthew 8:28 Faith is more than belief. By faith
you'll accept what Jesus has done for you. Receive
Him as the only one who can save you from sin
and live out your faith by obeying His commands.

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John 2:23-25 The Son of God knows all about human
nature. Jesus was well aware of the truth of
Jeremiah 17:9, which states, "The heart is
deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who
can understand it? Jesus was discerning, so He
knew that the faith of some followers was super-
ficial. Some of the same people claiming to
believe in Jesus at this time, would later yell,
"crucify Him!" It's easy to believe when it's
exciting and everyone else believes the same way.
But keep your faith firm even when it isn't
popular to follow Christ.

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Matthew 9:27-30 Jesus didn't respond immediately
to the blind men's pleas. He waited to see if
they had faith. Not everyone who says He wants
help really believes God can help him. Jesus may
have waited and questioned these men to emphasize
and increase their faith. when you think that God
is too slow in answering your prayers, consider
that He might be testing you as He did the blind
men. Do you believe that God can help you? Do
you "really" want His help? The blind men were
persistent. They went right into the house where
Jesus was staying. They knew Jesus could heal
them, and they would let nothing stop them from
finding Him. That's real faith in action. If you
believe that Jesus is the answer to your every
need, don't let anything or anyone stop you from
reaching Him.

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Mark 6:52 The disciples didn't want to believe,
perhaps because (1)they couldn't accept the fact
that Jesus was really the Son of God; (2)they dared
not believe that the Messiah would choose them as
His followers ~ it was too good to be true; (3)
they still did not understand the real purpose for
Jesus' coming to earth. Their disbelief took the
form of midunderstanding. Even after watching
Jesus miraculously feed 5,000 people, they still
could not take the final step of faith and believe
He was God's Son. If they had, they would not
have been amazed that Jesus could walk on water.
The disciples did not transfer the truth, they
already knew about Jesus to their own lives. We
read that Jesus walked on the water, and yet we
often marvel that He is able to work in our lives.
We must not only believe that these miracles really
occrred; we must also transfer the truth to our own
life situations.

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Matthew 11:21-24 Tyre, Sidon, and Sodom were
ancient cities with a long-standing reputation
for wickedness (Genesis 18:19; Ezekiel 27;28).
Each was destroyed by God for it's evil. The
people of Bethsaida, Korazin, and Capemaum saw
Jesus firsthand, and yet, they stubbornly refused
to repent of their sins and believe in Him. Jesus
said that if some of the wickedest cities in the
world had seen him, they would have repented.
Because Bethsaida, Korazin, and Capernaum saw Jesus
and didn't believe, they would suffer even greater
punishment than that of the wicked cities who
didn't see Jesus. Similarly, nations and cities
with churches on every corner and Bibles in every
home will have no excuse on judgement day if they
do not repent and believe.

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