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Satan, Demons, Deception & Sin ~2

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The apostle Paul tells us that we are in a spiritual battle (Ephesians 6:10-12). John says that the war is still being waged, but the outcome has already been determined. Satan and his followers have been defeated and will be destroyed. Nevertheless, Satan is battling daily to bring more into his ranks and to keep his own from defecting to God's side. Those who belong to Christ have gone into battle on God's side and He has guaranteed them victory. God will not lose the war, but we must make certain not to lose the battle for our own souls. Don't waver in your commitment to Christ. A great spiritual battle is being fought, and there is no time for indecision.

Revelation 12:17

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Demon-possessed people are under the control of one or more demons. Demons are fallen angels who joined Satan in his rebellion against God and are now evil spirits under Satan's control. They help tempt people to sin and have great destructive powers. But, whenever confronted by Jesus, they lose their power. These demons recognized Jesus as God's Son (8:29), but they didn't think they had to obey Him. Just believing is not enough. (see James 2:19) for a discussion of belief and devils).

Matthew 8:28

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The Bible tells us that at the end of the world the devil and his angels will be thrown in to the lake of burning sulfur (Revelations 20:10). When the demons asked if Jesus had come to torment them, "before the appointed time," they showed they knew their ultimate fate.

Matthew 8:29

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The demons begged Jesus, if you drive us out, send us into the herd of pigs feeding there. When the demons entered the pigs, they drove the animals into the sea. The demons' action proves their destructive intent - if they could not destroy the men, they would destroy the pigs.

Matthew 8:30-32

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Jesus encountered and drove out many demons during His ministry on earth. Demons or evil spirits are ruled by Satan. Most scholars believe that they are fallen angels who joined Satan in his rebellion against God, and who can cause a person to be mute, deaf, blind or insane. Demons also tempt people to sin. Although they can be powerful, they are not able to read our minds and cannot be everywhere at once. Demons are real and active, but Jesus has authority over them, and He gave this authority to His followers. Although Satan is allowed to work in our world, God is in complete control. He can drive demons out and end their destructive work in people's lives. Eventually Satan and his demons will be thrown into the lake of fire, forever ending evil in the world (Revelation 20:10).

Acts 8:7

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In the days of the early church, sorcerers and magicians were numerous and influential. They worked wonders, performed healings and exorcisms, and practiced astrology. Their wonders may simply have been magic tricks, or the sourcerers may have been empowered by Satan (Matthew 24:24; 2 Thessalonians 2:9).

Acts 8:9-11

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When Jesus sent the demons into the herd of pigs they recognized Jesus and His authority immediately. They knew who Jesus was and what His great power could do to them. Demons, Satan's messengers are powerful and destructive. Still active today, they attempt to distort and destroy people's relationship with God. Demons and demon possession are real. It is vital that believers recognize the power of Satan and his demons, but we shouldn't let curiousity lead us to get involved with demonic forces (Deuteronomy 18:10-12). Demons are powerful against those who trust in Jesus. If we resist the devil, he will leave us alone.

Luke 8:27,28

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Why didn't Jesus just destroy the demons - or send them to the abyss? Because the time for such work had not yet come. He healed many people of the destructive effects of demon-possession, but He did not yet destroy demons. The same question could be asked today - why doesn't Jesus stop all the evil in the world? His time for that has not yet come. But it will come. the book of Revelation portrays the future victory of Jesus over Satan, his demons and all evil.

Luke 8:33

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The demons destroyed the pigs, which hurt the finances of those tending the pigs, but can pigs and money compare with a human life? A man had been freed from the devil's power, but the people thought only about their livestock. People have always tended to value financial gain above needy people. Throughout history, most wars have been fought to protect economic interests. Much injustice and oppression, both at home and abroad, is the direct result of some individual's or company's urge to get rich. People are continually being sacrified to the god of money. Don't think more highly of "pigs" that of people. Think carefully about how your decisions will affect other human beings, and be willing to choose a simpler life-style if it will keep othersfrom being harmed.

Luke 8:33-37

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Jesus healed a demon-possessed boy. The disciples were unable to drive out this demon, and they asked Jesus why. He pointed to their lack of faith. It is the power of God not our faith, that moves mountains, but faith must be present to do so. The mustard seed was the smallest particle imaginable. Even small or undeveloped faith would have been sufficient. Perhaps the disciples had tried to drive out the demon with their own ability rather than God's. There is great power in even a little faith when God is with us. If we feel weak or powerless as Christians, we should examine our faith when God is with us. If we feel weak or powerless as Christians, we should examine our faith, making sure we are trusting not in our own abilities to produce results, but in God's.

Matthew 17:20

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Evil spirits, or demons, are ruled by Satan. They work to tempt people to sin. They were not created by Satan, because God is the creator of all. Rather they are fallen angels, who joined Satan in his rebellion. Though not all disease comes from Satan, demons can cause a person to become mute, deaf, blind or insane. But in every case where demons confronted Jesus, they lost their power. Thus God limits what evil spirits can do, they can do, they can do nothing without His permission. During Jesus' life on earth, demons were allowed to be very active to demonstrate once and for all Christ's power and authority over them.

Many psychologists dismiss all accounts of demon-possession as a primitive way to describe mental illness. Although throughout history mental illness has often been wrongly diagnosed as demon possession, clearly a hostile outside force controlled the man described here. Mark emphasized Jesus' conflict with evil powers to show his superiority over them, so he recorded many stories about Jesus driving out evil spirits. Jesus didn't have to conduct an elaborate exorcism ritual. His word was enough to send out the demons.

The evil spirit knew at once that Jesus was the Holy One of of God. By including this event in His Gospel, Mark was establishing Jesus' credentials, showing that even the spiritual underworld recognized Jesus as the Messiah.

Mark 1:23-24

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