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Pastor Buck's Testimony

As a young boy, I attended church every time that I could. I thought that it was cool and that was what I was supposed to do. I attended Sunday school, choir and anything else that I could.

When I was 10 years old, I realized that something was missing from my life and I knew that was JESUS. Now, I had heard of JESUS all this time, but did not realize that I was supposed to have a personal relationship with HIM. But at 10, I accepted JESUS into my heart, for HIM to be my LORD and SAVIOR.

Well, I continued to go to church and do all the things that I was supposed to until I was about 20 years old. Then I thought that there so many other things that I had heard about and wanted to do. That I could not do them as long as I went to church. I did not want to be a hypocrite, so I stopped going for many years. I thought that I was happy, but I was only happy in the way that the world wanted me to be happy, not in GOD'S plan.

GOD brought me to my knees one day and I realized that I had strayed from HIM. All the time I thought that I was a good person and doing ok. I thought what the heck. But GOD continued to convict me that I belonged to HIM and that I needed to turn away from the things of this world. So I started to church again and thought that this was what I was supposed to do.

GOD kept asking me to do other things. I began driving the church bus, being on committees and such, but there was more that GOD wanted from me. And that was my all. GOD even asked for me and my family to go to South Dakota. I said "no you have the wrong person" but HE insisted and we came from South Carolina to the Dakotas to work in a church. Then HE said that HE wanted me to be a pastor and I said "no", but now I am a pastor.

The purpose of writing this testimony is not for you to see where GOD has brought me, but how HE is ready to use you. Because I know, that if HE can use me, HE can use anybody. GOD is ready, No matter where you have been or what you have done, HE is ready to start at this moment. Not tommorrow, but right now.

Commit yourself to allowing HIM to have HIS way. You may suffer pain and grief, but you will not be sorry. KINGDOM work is now and HE is ready to use even you. I pray that GOD will bless you and that you would be willing to allow HIM to have control of your life. If you just look and see, GOD will use HIS people and those who surrender their lives to HIM. and if you have specific questions contact me.

In HIS Service Together,
Pastor Buck Hill
South Dakota