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Who's In Charge?

This page has been under construction for
quite awhile. It's one that I sensed
needed to be written, yet didn't have
any words. Today is the day, and may
my words be those that Christ would
have me say.

Who's in charge? That question really
speaks. If I were to answer that in my
normal stubborn way, I would say "I am"!
Who else could be? After all, I'm an
adult. I make my own decisions. I can
choose to do what or be who I choose to
be. If I don't want to sit by this
computer and work on this webpage, I
don't have to. Heck, I can go to the
bar and have a couple beers or even a
shot of "Lord". I can stay out as late
as I want and do what I please! Right?

So, who's in charge? Not long ago, the
previous paragraph would have been my
answer. Now though, it's not even close.

Today, I know that life's paths take us
to God and to Satan. If those are the
only two paths, and everything else falls
under them, that question really makes a
difference. Yet, that is so. So again,
when I ask who's in charge, I am asking
who do you follow. God? Satan? Once
you answer that question, everything else
will fall into place.

I choose to follow God. So, with God I
shall be obedient. I shall try to see
things with His eyes, hopefully my words
will honor Him. My body shall be His
temple and my thoughts shall remain pure.
Yes, I will have a shot of the Lord, Jesus
Christ, Son of the living God. My shot
shall be in prayer. Are you aware that
that shot of prayer will provide a much
bigger high, than the shot of Lord whiskey?
'Tis true my friend, 'tis true!

So again I ask, who's in charge or your
life? Who do you choose to follow? You
see it is a choice and it is yours to make!

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