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Lately I have noticed that there are certain words
that keep coming to my mind. These are words that
have to do with Christianity. Some words are really
messages that need to be passed on, others are
reminders of where I am in my faith with Jesus Christ.
Some are things that I have been told along the way.
Because they are all very much a part of our lives, it
seems time to define them.

The definitions for each were taken from
"Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary".

Acceptance ~
To willing receive, to recognize as true.

Apathy ~
Lack of feeling or emotion: Impassiveness.
Lack of indifference or concern: Indifference

Armor ~
Defensive covering for the body. A quality
or circumstance that affords protection.

Bible ~
The sacred scriptures of Christians
comprising the Old Testament and New Testament.

Commitment ~
To oblige or pledge onself over a period of time.

Communion ~
An act or instance of sharing. A Christian
sacrament in which bread and wine are partaken of a
commemoration of the death of Christ. The act of
receiving the sacrement. The body of Christians having
a common faith and discipline.

Compassion ~
Sympathic consciousness of others distress
together with a desire to alleviate it.

Complacency ~
self satisfaction accompanied by unawareness of
actual dangers or deficiencies.

Confess ~
To tell or make known (as something wrong or damaging
to oneself). To acknowledge (sin) to God or to a priest.

Confuse ~
To disturb in mind or purpose. Throw off. To fail
to differentiate from an often similar or related
other (confuse money with comfort.

Confustion ~
Quality or state of being confused.

Darkness ~
Devoid or partially devoid of light. Arising from
or showing evil traits or desires: Evil (the dark
powers that lead to war).

Discernment ~
The quality of being able to grasp and comprehend
what is obscure. To see what is not evident to the
average mind. Power to distinguish quick and often
what is true or appropriate.

Eternity ~
Infinite time. Everlasting. The state after death, immortality.

Faith ~
Belief and trust in with loyalty to God. Firm belief
in something for which there is no proof. Complete trust.

Forgive ~
To cease to feel resentment against.

Forgiveness ~
The act of forgiving. Pardon.

Guidance ~
Advice on vocational or educational problems given to students.

Heal ~
To make sound or whole. Restore to health. To cause
an undesirable condition to be overcome. To restore
to origional purity or integrity. (healed of sin)

Journey ~
Travel or passage from one place to another.
(even from childhood to maturity).

Life long commitment ~
To oblige of pledge onself for life.

Light ~
Something that makes vision possible. Source of light.
Candle. Spiritual illumination. Inner Light.

Love ~
Strong affection for another arising out of kinship
or personal ties. a) Unselfish loyal and benevolent
concern for the good of another: 1) the fatherly concern
of God for man; 2) brotherly concern for others; b) a
person's adoration of God.

Oppression ~
1 a: Unjust or cruel exercise of authority or
power. b: something that oppresses esp in being
as unjust or escessive exercise of power 2 a: a
sense of being weighed down in body or mind:

Passion ~
A strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity,
action or concept. Intense, driving, or overmastering
feeling or conviction. The sufferings of Christ between
the night of the last supper and His death.

Path ~
Course, Route. A way of life, conduct or thought.

Ponder ~
To think about or consider; quietly, soberly & deeply.

Prayer ~
An address (as a petition) to God in word or in thought.
An earnest request or wish.

Sin ~
An offense against religious or moral law. An action
that is or is felt to be highly reprehensible. A transgression
of the law of God. A vitiated state of human nature
in which the self is estranged from God.

Truth ~
Sincerity in action, character and utterance. The state
of being the case: Fact. The body of real things, events
and facts. A transcendent fundamental or spirital reality.

Trust ~
To place confidence: depend/trust in God. To be confident.
To commit or place in one's care or keeping. To rely on the
truthfulnes or accuracy of: Believe.

Unconditional ~
Absolute, unqualified.

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