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I was talking with a friend about
truth. We talked about acceptance.
Then the conversation led to
forgiveness, then surrender. The
acronym FAST came to mind because
sometimes a person sees a word that
reminds them of things, so we wanted
to share this acronym. We pray that
you understand these things. This is
the order that we feel is necessary
to accomplish these things.

T = Truth

TRUTH is the very thing that we have
to start with, in order to accomplish
any of the other things. The TRUTH is
that GOD sent JESUS CHRIST, the TRUE
AND LIVING SON OF GOD, that we could
have life more abundantly.

We must also know the TRUTH about
ourselves. We must honestly search
our hearts and souls for who we are,
and for what we represent. For both
our strengths and our weaknesses.

A = Acceptance

ACCEPTANCE is another word that seems
to cause us problems. Just the thought
of accepting things that seem to bother
us or things that cause us problems,
seems very difficult to do. Sometimes
we have to come to a time of accepting
that GOD is in control, and that HE
will take care of the things that HE
has shown us in HIS Word. Sometimes
this really stinks, because we don't
understand why. If we're trying to
live as HE tells us, then why are we
experiencing these things? Pray about
acceptance and see what GOD will do, in
HIS time frame.

ACCEPTANCE, WOW. First we've had to
have faith that we do believe in GOD.
That we are honest about ourselves,
who we are and what we represent. Now
we're supposed to accept it? Get
real! I'm supposed to accept a person on
his/her terms? I'm supposed to accept a
person or a thing that's causing me pain?
Why? That goes against everything that
I am and everything I believe in. Why
should I accept the abuse? Why?
Because acceptance is the only way
to healing. Physically, spiritually and
emotionally. If you aren't willing to accept
the pain in your life and the things that
have happened, it's going to keep following
you around. You will never be rid of that
pain. If you aren't willing to accept
your spouse, friend, child, etc. for who
they are you will never be able to have a
fulfilling relationship. Without
acceptance, there won't be honesty. People
will walk on eggshells trying to be somebody
they aren't, so that they can try to "make" the
other happy. To "make" ourselves happy. Why
is it hard to accept? Because then we
have to search our hearts and souls. We have
to be willing to see things as truth,
as we can imagine that GOD would see them.

F = Forgiveness

The word to forgive is an essential part of
the Christian faith. The bible says that
to be forgiven, we must forgive those who
have done things to us. Sometimes that's
really hard, but really it's true and does
make sense. When we let resentment build
within us, then it will eat us up and cause

Why should I forgive him for what he has
done to me? I was the innocent one, he
should be begging me for forgiveness!!!
Why would I even think of calling my
parents. I haven't talked to them for
a couple years, not after what they did.
It's up to them to make up for what
happened!!! That makes sense to you
doesn't it? It sure makes sense to me!
Okay honest here, it did make sense. It
kept me in alot of pain. You see, that
pain has left me in guilt "because I do
think about them and want things to be
different. I feel alone, especially
during the holidays, you see "I know
how things used to be". "I feel left
out, because I miss the birthday
parties, weddings, reunions and things."
"I resent them, because this pain in my
heart doesn't go away." "I can't shut
my mind off." This can go on and on.
Don't you owe it to yourself to be free
of this pain? Wouldn't you like to rid
yourself of this burden? Hopefully by
now, you have accepted that these things
did happen. That wasn't easy was it? I
wish I could be there to give you a big
hug right now, because these are some of
the most difficult things that we must
face! This is part of the road to
letting go. You see, unless you are
willing to rid yourselves of these
burdens, they will never leave. Are
you willing to do what it will take?
Are you willing to swallow a little
pride? You see willing is a key
here. The only way to end this pain
is to forgive the person that harmed
you. Whether the person made fun of
the way your hair looks, called you
nasty names or raped you, you must be
willing to forgive. I know that
doesn't seem right, or even fair, yet
that's the only way to unload your
burden. You must forgive though,
through your heart and soul. You
have to forgive everything, honestly
and sincerely. This step may be a
bit harder, you also have to forgive
yourself. Can you forgive yourself
for your own actions to others? Are
you willing to forgive yourself for
things that have been done to you?
Why forgive yourself? Because you
have carried a grudge that has hurt
you. Because you have done things
that have hurt you, who you are and
who you want to be. Are you willing
to forgive yourself for making a
hostage of yourself? By this I mean
you've missed out in family events,
class reunions, etc. Are you willing
to ask God to forgive you, to cleanse
you, inside and out? You see, His Son,
Jesus died on the cross, to save us
from our sins. He forgave us, even
knowing that we would sin against Him
and the Father. He tells us that we
must be willing to do the same. Isn't
it time to relieve yourself from this


Surrender is a thing that's really hard.
To surrender means to completely give
ourselves to GOD, to let GOD come into
our lives and take control. Surrender
could be explained like this. Imagine
if we were taking a trip and I decided
to drive your vehicle. We were going
to a destination that you know. As we
started, I headed in the opposite
direction. In order to get where we
needed to be, I would have to stop and
let you take control of the vehicle,
because you were the only one who knew
the way. This is the same with GOD.
HE knows the way. We need to give HIM
control of our lives. That is surrender.

What Pastor Buck says about surrender really
hits home. How many people are
comfortable sitting in the passenger
seat? Better yet in the backseat? How
many could keep quiet without trying to
give direction? That, my friends, is not
easy! Especially when you aren't used
to letting somebody else drive! I
remember when I first experienced
surrender. It was at a day when I was
lower than I thought I could ever go.
Finally I raised my eyes and arms to
they sky, and I cried "God, I can't do
this anymore God. Here, take me, all of
me! Take me physically, mentally and
spiritually. Take my yesterday, today
and tomorrow. God, whatever is of me
take me. Take my sins, take those who
have sinned against me. Let me know that
I have totally seen the truth of me as
you would have me see it. If there is
something that I haven't accepted, take me
there God, so that I can do Your will.
I believe that I have forgiven all and even
myself. If I have missed someone,
please bring it to my attention, so that
I can forgive them too. If I'm holding
on to anything else dear God, let me
know so that I can give that to you God
too. God, surrender is hard for me, I
feel real vulnerable and naked before
YOU, yet I know that that's the only
way that I can wholly and totally give
it all to you. God, if I keep trying
to take things back, please forgive me
of that in advance and remind me that
I have to give it back to You. God, I
give you all of me, inside and out. My
greatest gift to You is the gift of self.
Here though, are additional gifts. Here
are my family and friends. Dear God also
this child of yours right here, reading
about surrender. Take them all God, for
they are all your children. God to you
I surrender all. I know that I must do
this everyday, if I forget God, please
remind me.

F.A.S.T. is designed to help you remember
the four words and what they represent.
You also need to realize that some things
must happen before another can take place.
We feel that you must have TRUTH, then you
must have ACCEPTANCE. Then you must have
FORGIVENESS. Last but not least, because
they all tie together is SURRENDER. As you
do things, also understand that you are
fighting satan. He does not want any of
this to take place, because he want you to
feel guilt and worthlessness. HE wants you
to feel all of the other defeating things
that he has to offer.

As you have read these words, it's our
prayer that you find a deeper or even a
new relationship with GOD, the CREATOR
~ Pastor Buck

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