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Are You Playing With Fire?

So many things are taken for granted in our lives.
They can be as simple as a child's toy...
or as mindful as a psychics prediction.
You're thinking that we're a little off here?
Some of us thought it was a little off too,
when we first heard about it!
When we look to anything or anyone other than God
for an answer, in fun or for real
We are opening doors to the darkside. To Satan!
Giggle and laugh, poke fun, that's okay.
We were created by God our Father, our Creator.
We are to look to Him for all things.
If we aren't looking to Him for answers,
who are we looking to?
Yep, you said it! Satan!
Remember, if you aren't looking
to God, you're looking to Satan!

Simple things as a child's toy he takes possession of.
I'm going to give you a brief listing
of some of the things that are used
in the Spritual Realm against us!
Quija Boards
8 Balls
Tarot Cards
Fortune Tellers
Luck Things
Higher Powers (not God)
Devil Made Me Do It
Dungeons & Dragons
Porno Films
Porno Magazines
See: Take Jesus Shopping for other things
Is there anything else right here
that you can sense?
How about this web page?
It sure looks like the powers of darkness
and fires of hell to me!
So why am I putting a webpage on this background?
To give you an example of what I am talking about.
I am sure when this background was made, that
it was not made in honor of Satan. She also has
backgrounds with angels etc. Most people though
who would lean to a background such as this,
likely aren't using it with God in mind.
Since this page is in honor of God, our Creator
it will not give Satan his due. After all,
God can and will use all things to benefit Him.

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