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This Halloween Page has come to be because of some wonderful pages made by others. This is a link page to their sites! I personally do not believe in Halloween, because I know the dark side. Let me ask you - even this background, which would be considered safe and cute for children - can you find any innocence to it? It has appearances of evil to me! I am using this to hopefully let you see... through God's eyes! How can we see this as wholesome, something to share with our children? Halloween has been a 'tradition' for many since birth and is often seen as innocent fun. Schools often allow the kids to dress up for a Halloween party, to the world it's acceptable fun. Everybody does it! Many Christians don't see anything wrong with it, because... well... it's tradition!

Please pray for people and events during this halloween season. I say season, because the time begins now! Pray for safey, salvation and truth.

I pray as you visit these pages that you hear God's truth and His will in the lives of you and your family.

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Hallowed or Harmful?
The Frightful Facts On Halloween
Happy Halloween?
For Christians Only

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If you know of other links to add to this page, please send me an email!
