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I Don't Know How To Pray

Greetings! As you have opened this link to prayer
I would like to share my idea of what prayer is
and how you can access that direct link to GOD.

What is prayer?
Prayer is talking to and listening to GOD.
It is communication with GOD.
Some people think that you have to say all the right words
and use certain terms when doing this.
Well guess what, you don't have to.
Just talk to HIM and listen to HIM.
That is what prayer is all about, talking and listening.
GOD can respond in many ways. Through a friend,
through HIS word, the BIBLE, through circumstances.
There are many ways that HE will respond.
Sometimes the answer might be NO or NOT right now
or wait on ME for the answer. But HE wants us to talk
to HIM. One way that I do this, is through something
called the A.C.T.S. of prayer.
A = Adoration. Adoring God. Who HE is, praising HIM, exaulting HIM.
C = Confession. Confession of sins to HIM and asking GOD
to restore to us to that relationship that HE desires
for us to have. HE already knows what we have done.
HE just wants us to tell HIM.
T = Thanksgiving. Saying to GOD what you are thankful for
the sky, trees, health, family,
whatever you are thankful for.
S = Supplication. Asking for others and yourself
When you do this, ask in a way that is GOD'S will.
For example, do not pray for a brand new pickup,
if that's truly not a need. Pray for daily needs
and pray for the sick, pray for family and friends
and their needs.

Prayer is the greatest tool that we have to fight
the BATTLE that we face every day and it is the greatest
way to communicate with GOD and with this, read HIS word.
If you know want to know HIM you must read about HIM.

I pray that as you read these words,
it will help you understand a little better
what is prayer and how you do it. Please ask questions
and we will be glad to answer as best we can with GOD'S help.

Pastor Buck

Email: God's Page

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