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Higher Power

Higher power, is usually associated with AA, NA, etc.
These are all excellent programs. They do help to keep
the addict straight and honest. Ala-non, alateen, etc
are excellent progams for the families. Programs like
this have much to offer. Yet there is a concern.

Each person is asked to look to his/her higher power for
the spiritual end of their program. For some this may be
God, our Creator; for others it may be AA itself; the
persons sponsor; nature; the medallion;or a couple small
stones. The higher power can be anything a person chooses.
This person can even have Satan as a higher power.

I wonder if all people are aware of these things. A higher
power to many might not even be a conscious thought. A
person may just know that he doesn't want God as his higher
power. As a christian, how would you feel to know that
3 people out of the 10 at your meeting don't believe in God.
"No biggie." "That's their choice." "It's a free world."
How would you feel to have the guy sitting next to you,
praising and praying to satan? That may not sit well with
you. Yet is the person who calls nature a higher power any
different? No. There is no difference. Why? Because if
it's not of God, it's of satan. In all things this is so.

Are these things that you have thought about? Is this
something that may concern you? If so, maybe someone
should start a Christian group. You say you can't limit
who comes to your meetings? I disagree. There are men's
groups, women's groups, smokers groups, non-smokers groups,
homosexual groups, age groups, english, spanish, etc...

To think that some of these meeting are held in churches, etc
doesn't make sense to me. Though satan does go to church,
and at times he even likes people to go to church, are
you comfortable giving him a written invitation to be there?
Think about it!

Is is time to start a Christian Group?

God's Word