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Testimony from "A Broken Lamb"

I was this lamb 4 years ago.

"I had a relationship with the Lord for 15 years, but slowly I started taking control of areas of my life and depending on Him less and less. I allowed sin back into my life, I became an 'occasional' church attender. My life took on the world's priorities. God tried to get my attention in many ways. I heard and felt the Spirit's prompting many times. But I had made choices to put myself 'back in the driver's seat' and had gotten comfortable there.

"Then in December of 1996, on our way to a family day at Disney, a hit-and-run driver, doing 80mph, ran into us on I-95, sending us off the road and straight into two trees at 68 mph.

"I was pinned in the vehicle with multiple trauma injuries, broken right foot, smashed knees, broken ribs, broken sternum, bruised heart, shattered right arm, and massive head injury. Three days in critical condition, another 7 days in intensive care, surgery to reconstruct my arm with titanium; then a long, painful 9 months of slow recovery and therapy to learn to function again. My 10 year old daughter lost all her permanent teeth, with other minor injuries.

"God got my attention. I heard him, as though he were a person speaking, tell me he wished he didn't have to let it come to this. He wished I'd paid attention sooner. But he still had to allow this pain so I would, once and for all, KNOW that there was no place for me other that at His side, and in His will.

"Today, I am doing all the things I used to do. Some things I do slower, some take longer to recover from, but I am doing my job, raising my family and enjoying my life. Today, I don't stray an inch away from His side. Today I hold on TIGHT to His hand.

"Because of what has happened, my daughter is now an 'on fire for the Lord' teenager who has just accepted a call from the Lord to enter the mission field. Because of what has happened, my husband now takes an active role in assuming responsibilities of a Godly man both in our home and in our church. Because of what has happened, I have learned the lesson of a lifetime."

The hit-and-run driver was later caught, but received only a 3-year probation and a minimal fine. Sometimes it is not for us to understand, but to simply be obedient to His voice.

Lynette McCombs
Email: Lynette

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