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Poetry & Prayer Page ~2 Hope looks for the good in people
instead of harping on the worst in them.
Hope opens doors where despair closes them.
Hope discovers what can be done
instead of grumbling about what cannot be done.
Hope draws it's power from a deep trust in God
and all the basic goodness of mankind.
Hope "lights a candle" instead of
"cursing darkness."
Hope regards problems, small or large,
as opportunities.
Hope cherishes no illusions,
Nor does it yield to cynicism.

* * *

Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today.
When I am disturbed, it is because I find
some person, place, thing or situation -
Some fact of my life - unacceptable to me, and
I can find no serenity until I accept that
person, place, thing, or situation as being exactly
the way it is supposed to be at this moment,
Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in
God's world by mistake.
Unless I accept life completely on life's terms
I cannot be happy.
I need to concentrate not so much on what needs to
be changed in the world as on what needs to
be changed in me and in my attitudes.

* * *

It's wondrous what a hug can do
A hug can cheer you when you're blue
A hug can say "I love you so"
Or "Gee, I hate to see you go."
A hug is "Welcome back again"
And "Great to see you, where've you been?"
A hug can smooth a small child's pain
And bring a rainbow after rain.
The hug: There's just no doubt about it
We scarcely could survive without it
A hug delights and warms and charms
It must be why God gave us arms
Hugs are great for fathers and mothers
Sweet for sisters, swell for brothers
And chances are your favorite aunts
Love them more than potted plants
Kittens crave them, puppies love them
Heads of state are not above them
A hug can break the language barrier
And make your travels so much merrier.
No need to fret about your store of 'em
So stretch those arms without delay
And give someone a hug today!
~ Dean Walley ~

* * *

He'll See Them Home

Don't despair so of your children,
God will bring them to the fold -
Because He died to save them,
They're special to the Lord.
He knows how much you love them,
He loves them even more.
As long as you hold on in prayer,
He'll not close the door.
Even now He sees your tears,
And He whispers tenderly,
Of love that conquered all -
That all men might be free.

So lay them at His altar,
Let go and leave them there -
God will be faithful to your trust,
He won't withhold His care.
His hand will ever nurture,
No matter where they roam -
And He won't be satisfied
'Til He sees them safely home!

~ Joyce Henning ~

* * *

We choose how we shall live;
courageously or in cowardice,
honorably or dishonorably,
with purpose or in drift.
We decide what is important
and what is trivial in life.
We decide that what makes us significant
is either what we do or refuse to do...
And as we decide and as we choose,
so our lives are formed...

* * *

Dear Christ,
I would give
You every key of the little
house that You know as me.
The porch has been Yours,
And You've walked all through
The open rooms that the world can view.
But today, O Christ, I would have You go
To the sacred rooms that I've treasured so.
They are hidden and small and set apart;
But I want You to own this house ~ my heart.

* * *

Christian listening is an act which communicates
to another, "Right now, I am here for you. No
one else, just you. I want to hear and understand
what you have to say. I'm all yours." Listening
is allowing the other person to set the agenda
for the conversation, seeking to clarify his
point of view. Ultimately listening is helping
a person to understand himself better.

* * *

When I ask you to listen to me
and you start giving advice
you have not done what I asked.

When I ask you to listen to me
and you begin to tell me why
I shouldn't feel that way
you are trampling on my feelings.

When I ask you to listen to me
and you feel you have to do something
to solve my problem
you have failed me,
strange as that may seem>

So please listen and just hear me.
And, if you want to talk,
wait a minute for your turn;
and I'll listen to you.

* * *

Dear Lord...
Please grant that I shall
Never waste my pain; for...
To fail without learning,
To fall without getting up,
To sin without overcoming,
To be hurt without forgiving,
To be discontent without improving,
To be crushed without being more caring,
To suffer without growing more sensitive,
Makes a suffering of a senseless, futile exercise
A tragic loss,
And of pain,
The greatest waste of all.
~ Dick Innes ~

* * *

When I come home to Heaven
How joyful it will be!
For on that day at last
My risen Lord I'll see.

No greater happiness than
To see Him face to face,
To see the love in His eyes
And feel His warm embrace.

I've done nothing to deserve
That perfect home above.
It was given freely though
The grace of Jesus' love.

Then why should earthly cares
Weigh down upon me so?
They'll be a distant memory
When home at last I go.

* * *

Forgiving is love's toughest work.
But you can make it easier if you
don't confuse forgiving with forgetting.
You do not have to forget in order to
forgive. Besides, some things should never
be forgotten, lest we let them happen again.

* * *

After the darkness,
the daylight shines through
After the showers,
the rainbow's in view
After life's heartaches,
there comes comfort from above
The peace and the comfort
of God's healing love.
~ Kristone ~

* * *

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