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Let Jesus Keep You Safe In The Mall

'Tis the season to be jolly...
To walk in the stores...
To look in the catalogs, the wishbooks...
To see the children's Christmas lists...
The lists that get mailed to Santa...
The children telling Santa what they want...
The cartoons they see on Saturday morning...
The video's that they watch at home...
The movies at the theater...
The toys at their friends houses...
I can go on and on.

What does that have to do with Jesus?
Especially at the shopping mall? Wierd.
Yes, wierder than wierd.

These past few weeks I have been doing
my own Christmas shopping. I found some
cute Winnie the Pooh pajamas for a 3 year old.
Then to find some for his 6 year old brother.
I felt like I walked into the devil's den!

Let me introduce myself. My name is Mercy.
I am the one who wrote "Are you playing with fire",
on this web page. Remember, I am the one who
also has "Danced with the devil". Because of my
ties in the demonic world I have a heightened sense
(this is only because God has allowed me this sense)
of awareness of what is/is not evil.

In the children's department at one of the popular
chain stores, the pj area to be exact, I found
"God"zilla, some pictures that showed attacks person
to person, creatures etc. I saw skulls and blood.
There were scales (from snakes, lizards, etc) adorning
pj legs. When I announced to my shopping partner that I
would not/could not even THINK of purchasing these items
for a child I love very much, the response was "he likes
these. This is from his favorite movie, this is about his
favorite cartoon..." I was appauled! Why would anyone want
to send a child to bed with blood dripping out of a mouth?
Why? Why would someone purchase a video for a child that is
blood and gore? Just because the friends have them? Let
me ask you something. If you were to hold those pj's up
and say "God, I really want to buy these for little Johnny",
what kind of response do you think you would get? Would He
say "this is of me, so yes buy them"? I think not.

For as God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son.
Who better to take shopping? Who better to ask an opinion
of? Who better? There are none better. None.

Again I speak of the devil himself. What deception Satan
does cause! That all things are good. That popularity is
important. That if Susie has it Johnny needs it too.
Deception that says this whole page is a bunch of ----.
There is no truth to this.That somebody's screwed up in the
head. Is this some of what you're hearing? Now let me ask this.
"If this IS something that you HAVE been hearing, doesn't that
tell you something? God sure wouldn't tell you that!"

How do stay safe in the shopping mall? How do you know
what to purchase for that precious 6 year old? The only
answer is to take Jesus Christ, Son of the living God with
you. He was put on this earth for you and for me. He wants to
be invited. He loves you, as He loves that 6 year old. You see
He does talk to you, as does God the Father. You just have
to be willing to listen!

On my day of shopping, I was so repulsed. I wanted to
scream and shout "what are you doing to our children." I
wanted to shout, "people do you know what you are selling"?
"People do you know what you are purchasing"? God led me
here to talk to you. Right here. To let His people, His
children know, that they need not only worry about someone
picking up your child (an awareness that does concern all),
but also not to give Satan the ammunition to also harm your
child. So please... shop safe, invite Jesus to go with you!

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