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Say "Yes" At Christmas

And Mary said, "Yes" when the angel came,
not knowing what it would mean.
For "yes" was only the beginning.
"Yes" to giving birth in a cold, dark stable,
while cows and sheep looked on.
"Yes" to a sword that pierced her soul, as her
Son died on a cross, while she looked on.
And Mary said, "Yes, let it be."
But do I? Do I say, "Yes" when God calls to me?
Oh not through an angel who comes in the night,
But maybe a pastor who asks
if I'll lead Sunday school class;
Or a former friend who call to mend
our broken relationship;
Or a stranger who wonders
if I might spare some change for food.
And for a moment as I ponder what to say,
does God's purpose flicker like a flame
in a sudden breeze to be snuffed out by "no",
or to burn even brighter with the power of "yes"?
For "yes" is only a beginning.
"Yes," I'll give my time to sharing God's Word.
"Yes," I'll end a quarrel by forgiving another and myself.
"Yes," I'll share what I have with one in need.
For somehow I know that even to the small questions,
God needs to hear my "yes"
as much as He needed to hear Mary's.
Perhaps that's why Jesus comes to the world as a baby,
a baby full of questions, needs and desires.
When He asks to come into my heart this Christmas,
will I say, "Yes"?

By Gina Bridgeman

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