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Gifts From My Secret Sister
Karen Smith
October, 2000

To A Wonderful Sister
From Your Secret Sister!
HI there! I wanted to let you know you are thought of today!
I wish you the best and hope you have many blessings today!
Your Mystery Secret Sister

With all my heart, I wish you a great day filled with love, joy, peace, comfort, and happiness.
May you feel the presence of God all around you today and your day be blessed.

Here is to a wonderful new friend!
May your day be filled with abundant blessing.
May your day be filled with the presence of God all around you.
May you see God's love in each smile and in each hug.

Let's blow bubbles and enjoy this Spring-like day!
I hope you are having a nice day too!

Scatter seeds of kindness
everywhere you go;
Scatter bits of courtesy
watch them grow and grow.
Gather buds of friendship;
Keep them till full-blown;
You will find more happiness
than you have ever known.
Blessings to you!

Hi there!
Thought I would touch base with you
and let you know
you are special and thought of today.
May your day be filled with
blessings and sunshine.

Use Your Imagination!
To: Mercy
$From: Secret Sister

I know this isn't a real vacation but use your imagination!
If I could get you a real vacation, I would send you to the beach.
The beaches there are just beautiful!
With winter coming soon,
I know that you would enjoy going somewhere warm!
I wish I were there too!

So don't forget while you are using your imagination,
I hope you will not forget a pitcher of great iced tea!
I would be relaxing back and drinking
iced tea and watching the waves roll in,
listen to the breezes blowing.


Enjoy the land down under on your vacation to Australia.

Something Special From Your Secret Sis
Hi again;
I wanted to send you another card to let you know that you are thought of and you are special.
But you already know that, don't you; God tells you that,
whether anyone else does or not and that is what is the most important.
But I wanted to let you know I thought so too! Hugs!

Guess Who Yet?

Before Time Runs Out On Us............
I wanted to send you another card!
Just to let you know that I have thought of you today!
May you have a wonderful day with many blessings,
no matter how small they may be.
Your friend and not-for-long Secret Sis

Have A Wonderful Day, Sis!
I hope your day was blessed;
may the light of God's love shine down upon you.
Well, not much longer for me to send you special things.
I hope you have enjoyed this special time of mystery;
pretty soon you will know just who your secret sis is!
I bet you will be surprised!
Your Not-For-Much-Longer Secret Sis


Father, I ask that you bless my friend! Lord, show a new revelation of Your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit at this very moment. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence as You work through them. Where there is tiredness or exhaustion, give them understanding, patience, and strength. Where there is spiritual stagnation, renew them by revealing Your nearness and by drawing them into greaterintimacy with You. Where there is fear, reveal Your love and release Your courage. Where there is sin, break its hold. Grant the ability to recognize the demonic forces around them, and reveal the power they have in You to defeat them. Bless their finances, give them greater vision,and raise up leaders and friends to support and encourage them.Lord, love them as only you can love.

Here is a prayer for you; I hope you will be blessed. I sure have been blessed being your Secret Sister.

God Bless, Secret Sis

To My Sister In Christ

May your day be filled with wonderful sunrises,
gentle breezes, birds singing, and the
presence of God all around you!

Your Almost-Time-To-Be-Revealed Secret Sister

Well, It Is Time To Reveal Myself!!

I can assume you never guessed the mystery of who I was!
I sure hope you are surprised!
I wish I could have done more to spoil you.
Time to tell you just who I am!
Drum Roll Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is me, Karen Smith!
I live in Southern West Virginia!
I have enjoyed being your secret sis.
Hugs to you!
Karen Smith,
LHLS Secret Sis

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