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Sin That Entangles Us

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such
a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off
everything that hinders and the sin that so
easily entangles, and let us run with
perseverance the race marked out for us.
~ Hebrews 12:1 (NIV) ~

Sin is our most persistent, and pernicious
enemy. Sin seeks to rob us of every good
thing God has designed for us. Paul tells
us that sin brings death (Rom.7:11). Yet
it is very subtle. Sin creeps into our
lives when and where we least expect it.
It packages itself so attractively that we
are lulled into thinking that it cannot
really harm us (2Cor 11:14-15).

Sin steathily and relentlessly entangles
our lives. We will never be able to run the
race marked out for us as long as we are
entrapped in sin. We can only free our-
selves from sin's bondage if we recognize
it for what it is. If we call sin a
"mistake", a "bad habit", or a "weakness",
we will never escape it's grasp. We must
not blame our sins on others. We must
never allow pride to convince us it is too
humiliating to admit the sin in our lives.
Sin can blind us to it's presence. It
does not always command our attention, but
rather, it subtly and pervasively robs us
of the spiritual power and victory that
could be ours. The good news is that there
is no extent to which sin can entangle us
that God's grace does not about still more
to free us (Rom 5:20).

Has sin robbed your joy? Has it prevented
you from being the best husband, wife, son
daughter, or friend you could be? Is it
keeping you from spiritual maturity? If
you have become entangled with sin, God can
release you immediately, no matter how
desperately entangled you may have become!

Authors: Henry T Blackaby & Richard Blackaby
"Experiencing God Day-By-Day"

Email: God's Page

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