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In All Things Give Thanks

In all things give thanks? Why?
Thanks for pain? For heartache? For loss?

Yes, in ALL things give thanks! You see, I
said "bull" too! That was definitely the
most self-defeating statement I had ever
heard. A contradiction to everything that I
was and the way my life was turning out.
It was a mockery to my heartache and pain.
I felt that it totally stripped me bare,
without any consideration to me!

Yes, in ALL things give thanks! Today I
believe this with every ounce of my being.
You see, somebody was patient enough to
show me what that meant. He showed me
that if it weren't for the pain from a lost
relationship, I probably wouldn't be here
today. How does one give thanks for the
loss? By saying thank you GOD, let YOUR will
be done! There are so many things that each
of us has on an "important" list. Yet, GOD
may think different. His plan is usually so
much better than anything that we could ever
dream possible. We had a Chrisitan singer at
church last Sunday. He talked of pain in his
life and that of others. What he said really
intrigued me. "Too often we only see what's
right in front of us. Just a small part of the
picture. If we could see the whole picture we
could then realize that what has happened in
our lives, can benefit so many others,
as well as our own futures down the road.

Too often we stay locked in grief and self
pity. Our physical scars may show. For
awhile the emotional ones will stay hidden,
eventually they too will find a way out. Do
I want to see these things? No way! Why would
I? Then comes the realization that yes, I do
need to give thanks for that. I have a me that
I never would've expected to find. I am whole
and alive! Really alive. There is no doubt in
my mind that all of this is because of GOD!

Obviously there's something in this message
that Lucifer does NOT want said. I was
feeling just fine, coughing and vomiting
took over. Not a pretty thing to hear about
or read, but I feel it's important for you to
realize that he can be responsible for so many
things. Would I give thanks about this
situation? You betcha, I thank GOD for the
fact that Lucifer is being defeated. I thank
GOD that Lucifer is in place. You see, more
often than not, Lucifer tells us what we need
to know, to keep us on the right path.
Remember, right is to GOD!!!

Painful words may actually open things up so that
two people can find a solution. A flat tire, may
have prevented a fatal accident. Being rejected
for one job, may mean that a better one is down
the road. A person wanting freedom and fulfillment
in his/her life may be led to this webpage. Every
twist & turn you've taken in your life has brought
you to where you are today. If you're still reading,
hopefully it's bringing you closer to GOD! If not to
GOD, then someplace in your life that you need to be!

I give thanks for my pain, hopefully it will benefit
you. You see, something bad can be made good, in the
eyes of GOD and in the eyes of man! GOD can use all
things for HIS benefit! I was at a rummage sale and
found this ugly looking brown plate that says "in all
things give thanks" which I just HAD to buy. (Jesus
Christ WILL get the credit for that). It now hangs on
my kitchen wall. When I look at it I am reminded of
where I am and where I've come from. I know that
because of what has been in my life, is what has brought
me here to you! And I thank GOD for that!
At God's Page, we are here for you.
We thank GOD for you!!!

So remember, "in all things give thanks"! There's a
beautiful world waiting, what you may see as binding
today, may be the freedom and happiness you're looking
for tomorrow. Yes, in all things give thanks.

God's Word