Greetings to those who have opened
King James Version
N.I.V. ~ New International Version
C.E.V. ~ Contemporary English Version
N.A.S.V. ~ New American Standard Version
New Living Translation
We pray that you find this
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this link. This link is designed
to help you find a bible. The
discussion is on the different
translations of the bible. Hope-
fully this will help you decide
which bible you would like to read.
If you have questions or comments,
please send us an e-mail.
The King James translation bible
was authorized by King James in
England in 1611. This bible was
written by 100 scholars of that day.
It was done to provide the upper
crust of people with a bible that
was translated from the original
manuscripts in Hebrew, Greek and
Aramaic into their language. It
is considered by many scholars to
be the most accurate translation.
The language of the day was in the
Shakespearian form. That's why to
some it could be difficult to read
and to understand.
This version was started in 1965,
to give the reader more contemporary
reading and understanding. It has
been translated from the best
manuscripts of the Aramic, Greek
and Hebrew languages. The concern
was for a clear and natural english
that did not have a lot of
americanisms. The translation was
completed by 100 scholars divided
up into groups that took each book
of the bible and brought a more
contemporary language. It was
determined that english had become
an international language and there
was need for such a translation.
There has been much care in providing
as accurate as possible to keep the
integrity of GOD'S word.
Languages are spoken before they are
written. Traditional translations of
the bible count on the readers ability
to understand a written text. The
Contemporary English Version differs
from all other English Bibles, past
and present. It takes into
consideration the needs of the hearer,
as well as those of the reader, who
may not be familiar with biblical
language. The C.E.V. has been
described as a user friendly and a
mission-driven translation.
The American Standard Version was
published in 1901 due to a need for
a better english translation. The Lockman
Foundation felt an urgency to update this
version. In 1959 they launched this
project. This translation has been
regarded for it's accuracy and
scholarship. It is a product of both
the American and British scholars.
This has also been used as a standard
for other translations.
This was commissioned in 1989 for the
reason of conveying to you the reader,
a different way of reading GOD'S Word,
while trying to hold the accurate
translation of the origional text.
With this translation the thought was
to translate thoughts, and not just the
words into natural everyday English.
The end result is so you, the reader,
can understand and read a translation
that communicates the accuracy of the
original test. The New Living
translation is presented by the
publishers with a Prayer that GOD
will use it to speak to HIS timeless
truth to the church and to the new
world in a fresh, new way.
information helpful. As with any
translation, we encourage you, the
reader, to look at the different
Bibles to find the one that most
suits your reading style. Keep in
mind where the translation got it's
material. All translations should
have been translated from the best
manuscripts available. Our prayer
is that you find a Bible that GOD
can use to speak to you!
as other translations will be added
regularly. If there is a question
or translation you are interested in,
that isn't listed, please send us an