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Abortion!!! I have had such a burden
about this. My tears flow because abortion
is easy. Abortion is death! Look at an
infant in a person's arms. That baby is
life. That baby is innocent and so dependant
on the nurture and care by parents.

When a person is newly pregnant, often even
three months along the baby is not seen as
life. That baby is not a reality. Out of
sight, out of mind. Sure, the concept of
this baby may be there; how it's not wanted,
it's not a convenient time, nobody can know
about this pregnancy. I've heard people even
say that "I've got two girls, if this isn't a
boy, I won't go through with it. An ultrasound
will tell." This list can go on and on.

Are you aware that at the moment of conception
life has begun? Life of an innocent baby. A
life that could only have been created by our
Creator. No, He doesn't condone sexual sin
(not married, etc), yet He is the only one
capable of this marvelous creation of humanity.

As this baby is developing, blood ties are
already established, because the flow of blood
does transcend to this growing, developing baby.
Sure I can say fetus and yes, that's what this
baby is. But people, this is personal, he/she
real and it's life. So think of this as a baby!
A fetus can sound as impersonal as a spot on
your carpet.

Before having an abortion, please think. Out
of sight, out of mind does not work here. This
will haunt your for the rest of your life. This
is murder in God's eyes, as well of many people
here on earth. You will have to face Him on
judgement day. What else will you have to face?
Ok, let's bring this to the physical world.
Will this be suction? Everytime you vaccuum your
carpet, you may be reminded about this sound.
What your eyes can see if you look, possibly red
matter going around in a vaccuum. The cramping
that you have every month with your period, can
remind you of the cramping during your abortion.
How will you feel when you see an infant in it's
mother's arms?

Sorry, I don't know how to speak of this in a
kinder way. I pray everyday for the babies.
Born and unborn! I pray for these pregnant
mothers-to-be. That is what you are when you are
in the maternal state. What will it take to have
you understand about this life that is growing in

Can I ask, Did you practice safe sex? Do you
know what you must do to prevent getting pregnant.
There is no birth control that is 100% effective,
except abstinence. You don't want to give up sex?
Are you married? Did you know that sex outside of
marriage is adultry. That is the 7th of God's 10
Commandments. (So is murder by the way.
Thou shalt not kill is #6.) You will
have to answer for these acts to our mighty Father!

Why is it that you feel you must get an abortion?
Will you be kicked out of your house and have no
where to go? I will help you find a place, send
me an email. Do you feel like you are all alone
and have no where to turn? I am here for you and
with you, send me an email. Do you feel like you
have no options? I will help you find them, send
me an email. Are you afraid of someone's anger?
I will help you, send me an email.

I was adopted and as my parents will tell you,
there are people who are unable to have children
of their own, who would be so blessed to love
your baby. You see, God can use all things for
His purposes. The life that you are carrying,
though possibly conceived through sin, could
show His love to those who are wanting a baby.

This baby is life. If you are pregnant and
considering abortion, please, please see the
truth. Please know that the baby that you are
carrying is alive and it's body is growing and
functioning. This is a real, miniature, little
person. If you are pregnant and unsure of what
your options are, email me or talk with people
that can help. Your baby deserves love and that
may come from placing him in the arms of someone

Have you already had an abortion and are having
difficulty in dealing with it, memories, guilt,
etc? If you are sincere in your repentence,
Jesus did die on the cross to forgive you of
your sins, so He has wiped the slate clean.
You do need to confess and promise to turn away
from this life of sin. I am very willing to help
you through this.

I find it so sad that life is so easily thrown
away. That my friend left, when God was asked
to be put away; in our government, in people's
hearts, etc. He created us and gave us life,
so that we live for Him. Ask yourself, what
would Jesus do?

There are times when abortion may be necessary.
The mother's life may be at risk or the baby
has severe deformities and/or illness. I know
that God will be in control and that if
abortion is the only option, that He will
guide and direct. In this case, you will
know His love, though what happens may
be difficult.

* * * * * * *

Did you know that some conceptions are intentional
and made for sacrificial purposes? This is done
for satanic and pagan purposes. This sounds
sickening doesn't it? Yet is your pregnancy and
thoughts of abortion any different? Sure, you
didn't get pregnant intentionally, yet you are
wanting to sacrifice the life of this baby for
purposes that are not of God.

No Big Deal
Life Call
Partial Abortions
End Partial Birth Abortions
Abortion Essay
Sarah, A Child Incomplete

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