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Dominique Guiha
AKA Jesus Freak

I guess the most recent thing that God has done in my life would have to start a week before I left to go with my youth group on a mission trip to Quebec at Gaspé and Saint-Marie De Beauce.

I had gotten into an accident at work with my elbow, which was hurting so bad that my whole arm would go numb. Even on the first night of the trip, it was still hurting to the point where I was having trouble worshiping because the pain was so bad!

On the second night as I was standing there worshiping, I felt a wind of fire coming through me, which immediately knocked me to my knees. As I was worshiping on my knees I felt that wind again and this time I was knocked to the ground!

When I came back to myself, I noticed something different in me. First, my elbow wasn't hurting anymore and second I had a sudden burst of energy that was uncontrolable. Third the constant need to worship. Even when we were all gathered around the fire, I had decided to seclude myself to worship some more. Ever since I came home, my relationship with my family has gotten a whole lot better. Even now, me and my brother are starting to talk about the bible!

I am a new Christian going on 2years and I am now in charge of the kids church program at my church as part of a program at my youth group to prepare me for what God has called me to do which is to go from place to place all of the world to talk to young people about the Lord Jesus

your sister in christ
Dominique Guiha
A.K.A."Jesus Freak"
Email Dominique

I am a new Christian going on 2years and I am now in charge of the kids church program at my church as part of a program at my youth group to prepare me for what God has called me to do which is to go from place to place all of the world to talk to young people about the Lord Jesus