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Dear Lord, my heart shed tears today
Because of news about a precious friend.
Her problems seem too much to bear.
They seem to come in waves, and have no end.

You've blessed me so abundantly,
With joys far more than I could ever count.
And while I thank and praise Your Name,
The troubles for my friend just seem to mount.

My heart is sorrowing for her,
And that is why I come to You in prayer.
I'm praying You'll erase her pain,
And lift her from the depths of her despair.

To mortal mind it seems unfair,
That she should have to suffer such a loss,
While I've been basking in love's warmth,
And never had to bear so great a cross.

Lord, show me how to bless her life,
And help support the load she has to bear;
So she will see Your love in me,
And by it know how much I truly care.

Betty Jo Mings
(Used with permission)