Rock Climbing
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Rock Climbing

Recently I had the privilege of going to the coast for a holiday. My children and I had such fun as we climbed rocks along the beach. We'd see a point we'd like to head for and then clambered on the rocks to get there. It was rather like a maze at times. We'd go one direction only to find the rocks too high to let us through. So we'd go around the rock. Then we'd come to a deep pool so we'd have to avoid that. Then up and around another rock only to find the way impenetrable. So back again and along another route. Eventually we'd get to our destination. This may sound awfully frustrating but at every turn there was something beautiful or interesting for us to stop and look at. I loved pointing out the sea creatures we came across. For the children this was a marvelous adventure.

To me this was an illustration of life. Often we endeavor to go in one direction but are forced to take another route. Like trying to find a job, or find a house to rent or buy, or get our children into a decent school. We have so many decisions to make in life and when things don't go our way, we may have a really negative attitude. However, as in rock climbing, if we take time to look at our changed circumstances there is nearly always something positive.

God has a plan, a purpose, and a direction for each of our lives. He wants to pour out His blessing on us. Sometimes He blocks our path because He knows another way is better for us. For the Christian - that's someone who has handed their life over to Jesus allowing Him to take control of it- for the Christian we have a wonderful promise in Romans 8 vs. 28, which is, "All things work together for good". For who? For those who love Jesus. Christians need to remember John's words, from chapter 1 vs 16, "From the fullness of God's grace we have received one blessing after another."

Now, as we face challenges, let's remember that life can be a wonderful adventure with Jesus walking by our side.

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( Thanks to Caroline Norton !! ) For more info / previous postings, visit To subscribe, send ANY message to To unsubscribe, send ANY message to Please send any submissions to

Revised: July 1, 1999