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When Was The Last Time...

When was the last time you looked
at a rainbow after a storm and
remembered, someone must have
needed their garden watered?

Or when you felt so tired from a
hard day at work and your child
looked you in the eyes when you
came home and said, "I guess you
don't feel like reading to me
tonight, huh Mom"?

What about when you argued with
your husband about which restaurant
you should go to, forgetting how
many in America will go to bed
hungry tonight?

When did you last give a dollar
to a homeless man, without wondering
if he would use it for drugs or
alchohol? Failing to remember, that
to GIVE in good faith is all God
asks of us. He handles the rest.

Have you looked at today's youth
and asked yourself what has happened
to this generation? Or maybe you
really don't remember the hard time
you gave your parents each time you
tried out the latest fashion at 16
years old.

Have you become so hardened and
bitter about the politicians of this
generation, without remembering that
most of them were raised in OUR

When was the last time you looked at
the ones you love most, and told them
that they are the music in your heart?
Before it is too late for them to know
what they mean to you.

Remember when we use to thank God for
our beautiful babies He blessed us with?
Have you thanked Him lately, no matter
what they have or have not done, because
He saw fit to entrust them to you for
awhile. They are really His you know.
And some day He will call them back.

When was the last time, you got up in
the morning, forgetting the hectic
schedule ahead, and remembered to be
thankful that you were given another day?

We have all heard the saying, Have you
hugged your child today? Let me ask you,
when was the last time you hugged your
Mom or Dad, just because?

Have you held someone's hand, held open
a door, or held a book for them to see?
Or do you hold up your head, hold in your
stomach, and hold onto your heart, afraid
to share who you really are?

Reach out to someone who has made a
difference in your life. Do something
wonderful for them. We reap what we sow.
Let them know they are your harvest. Do
it today. Before you can't remember,
"When was the last time..."

God's Page ~ ~ ~ God's Word

Revised: October 16, 1999