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Stacy's Background Sets

Terms of Use:
All graphics have been made by me. Therefore, they are not to be used in any graphic collections. These graphics are for personal use only, and you must display a link back to me on the page the graphics are used.
You may not modify the graphics in any way, except with my permission. If there is a size issue, or you would prefer a different color scheme, please contact me and I will do my best to customize the graphics for you.
The following collections have been placed on a page for you to right-click and save them. Please transload them to your own server. If you are using WebTV, you must first activate your scrapbook, then go to:
You will be able to save the contents to your scrapbook. If for some reason you are not able to do this, contact me and I will give you the url's to transload.
Each background set has it's own logo to link back to
Stacy's Place
The URL is
Goofy Pumpkin
Haunted House (purple)
Haunted House (red)