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Salvation God desires for everyone to go to Heaven.
However, if you don't personally KNOW Jesus,
the Bible says you are lost. It's not
enough to know about Jesus, you must
personally KNOW Jesus. Then the Bible
says you are saved and born again. Here's
how to be saved and born again.

Acknowledge Your Sin

The Bible says... For all have sinned, and
come short of the glory of God. ~Romans 3:23
See yourself for what you are...a sinner.
Sin is tragic because it destroys and
separates you from God. The soul that sins
will surely die. But God loves you and
wants to save you..."For the wages of sin is
death, but the Gift of God is eternal life
through Jesus Christ."

Repent Of Your Sin

Repent ye therefore,and be converted, that
your sins may be blotted out... ~Acts 3:19
Repentence means to turn your back on your
sins and face God. It results in a change
of heart, change of mind, and a change of
action. Allow God to end sins mastery over
your life. Sin is so wicked and powerful
that it took the bloody death of Jesus
possible for you.

Believe In Jesus Christ Alone
For Forgiveness

For God so loved the world, that He gave His
only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth
in Him should not perish, but have everlasting
life. ~John 3:16
You need to believe that Jesus Christ took
your sins upon Himself and died on the cross
in your place for your sins. He never sinned
but you did. You never died for Him, but He
died for you. Then Jesus, on the third day,
rose from the dead proving that He defeated
sin, death, and hell and He alone is the way
of salvation.

Make Your Decision To Trust Christ

If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the
Lord Jesus, and believe in thine heart
that God hath raised Him from the dead,
thou shalt be saved. ~Romans 10:9
You must personally believe in Christ
alone for your salvation. Not your
religion or the good things you've done
in life.

If you are ready to personally by faith,
receive Jesus Christ in your life, then
pray to God a prayer like this...
"God I am convinced that I am a sinner,
and that Jesus died on the cross for my
sins and Jesus alone can save me. I
willingly repent of my sinful life and
receive Jesus into my heart as my
personal Savior."
If you prayed the above prayer in faith,
then you are born again with your sins
forgiven. You are saved. Please email
me, so I can rejoice with you and send
you some follow up materials for free.